Does Helena even have a problem with me!? Does she even know I'm here right now, looking at her!? Was she even making me believe that she's asleep so that she could avoid me?!

I approached Helena and the girls later on.

"Are you bloody mad?!" I said to her

"Joe," Helena stood up.

"You dirty little liar!"

"There you are! I was-"

"Look! I don't even know what the hell I did to you! What is even happening to you today?!"

"Joe, wait! Just-"

"If you have a problem with me, you can just say it right straight to my face! I'm easy to talk to anyway and I would probably understand if you have a damn problem with me-"

"Joe!" Chantel said.

"Calm down for a minute, will you?" Lily said.

"Helena's been looking for you" Jade said.

"Why would she-"

Helena stood up and held some keys in front of me.

"What!?" I said.

She rolled her eyes.

"Take it!" she said.

"What are these?" I asked.

"My God! You don't know what keys are!?"

"No! I meant, what do you want me to do with them!?"

Helena turned to Chantel.

"Help me out, please!" she said to her and gave her the keys.

"Joe" Chantel said "Let's discuss this calmly and rationally".

I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah right! How am I supposed to talk things over calmly and rationally in front if someone who's pissed at me" I was talking about Helena.

"For heaven's sake, Joe. Helena's not pissed at you" Cassy said.

"Yeah! Why would you think that?!" Jade said.

"She pretended to be asleep just so she could-"

"She was asleep. And then she woke up when she knew where Luke was" Chantel said.

I froze. Wait, what?!

"Well Hello? Where is he?" I asked.

They didn't say anything. Chantel just handed me the keys.

"What?!" I was confused.

"Keys to my car" Helena said.

"What the hell?! I don't even know how to drive!"

"Ohh no" Cassy said.

"Well," I shrugged "my mom taught me a couple of lessons when I was fourteen".

"That's good enough" Helena said.

"Ohh, and key information! We drive left in this country. So, keep left!" Cassy added.

"Well' Chantel pushed me "Go!"

"Why me?!" I turned to Helena "You were with him the whole day. How could you possibly not know where he is?!"

"He left, I didn't even notice" she said.

I looked at her car keys in my hand.

"It's your car and if you do know where he is, why can't you drive yourself there?!" I asked.

The English BoyWhere stories live. Discover now