Chapter 2 - What Are You?

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"W-what are y-you?" The words barely left my mouth, and my legs were about to crumble in pieces. 

The figure's eyes seemed to lock with mine. The sensation felt like, if both of them penetrated every single room of my head I could recall mine, leaving no space available in it. I felt the tension being really present even in my body, making it feel really stiff and unable to move.

Suddenly, the figure starts emitting a really scary screech, threatening me to retract away from it, but I was unable to move due the panic invading my whole being. 

At the same time my head was telling me to 'run' but my legs didn't want to move at all. And that's when I realize, that thing was... An enderman? A fucking enderman? but how? it looked so real... That explained so much things, but at the end it didn't and just gave me more questions. The purple bright eyes, the slim tall figure, but still, how? Was this even real? I wish I wasn't crazy. Or at least not more than before. But the fact it looked so real, I wasn't able to say this was all a dream. I did feel, and I did see it with both of my eyes what was standing in front of me.

I stepped back a little, still fixating my eyes into it. More like his, I supposed, but had my doubts still. Staring at it was wrong in so many levels and any Minecraft player would know, but that seemed to help instead of fucking it up I guess. 

All of a sudden, it disappeared, and I waited to face my death from behind. Who would've thought. 'Reason of death: enderman encounter. Stared for a long time'.

As I waited for my sudden death, the time didn't come. 

It simply disappeared like thin air and the enderman wasn't seen anywhere. 

I felt relieved, but at the same time, uneasy. I couldn't process what happened. Maybe I learned a new tip when encountering with endermans that my silly head didn't know and experienced it on... sort of a real life experience? should I even call this real life? I don't even know what's real anymore. 

After that encounter, I did not dare to give any step further inside that little cave. Even if it felt cozy and welcoming, the threatening screech coming from that monster was a 'no, this is my cave go away' thing that anyone could tell just by seeing it.

Once I was able to finally move, I stepped out of the entrance very quickly and didn't look back. The rays of light hit my whole body and I felt a little more relieved now that I was on the very outside of that little cave. I had to squint my eyes to avoid the sun burning my view while looking straight to the horizon. I calculated it was around 4 pm. 

I was currently wearing the short that exposed almost my entire legs and the greatly oversized shirt from the night before I guess. My pajama to be exactly. I also wasn't wearing any bra, which was something I felt kind of uncomfortable to deal with. I don't even know how many days passed since I fell unconscious to be clear.

Thinking, I made a conclusion. If there was an enderman just a few moments ago, and the forest seemed frozen, does that meant I was in.. sort of a Minecraft world? But the world wasn't filled with cubes, instead, everything looked really 'normal' just like real life with different dimensions as usual. I grabbed a leaf laying on the ground and felt it's texture with my fingertips. It seemed very real to me. I threw it away again.

If I wanted to figure out how the hell I came here, I first had to made it through the night, and be ready to face whatever thing that came in the way with it. I literally had to put my camping knowledge into this, which was actually zero. But fortunately, not everything was lost. I knew deep in my guts my Minecraft knowledge was going to be useful one day. Though, I never thought I'd use it this way.

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