❁ Chapter 12: Summer Heat ❁

Start from the beginning

Just then I saw Callie stepping into the water, mom said she wasn't supposed to because she's only two and she can't swim yet.

"Callie no!" I called out reaching out for her,

"Woah there Callie!" Sky cautioned pulling her gently away from the water, "I'm assuming you can't swim just yet."

"Thank you Sky, Allison can be so Irresponsible sometimes." My mom says shooting me a judgmental glare.

"Oh please, I could sink myself six feet underwater and you still wouldn't care." I scoff standing up and dusting myself off,

"Thanks for helping with Callie Sky, but we're leaving," I told him taking my sister into my arms and sitting her down next to mom and kissing her forehead.

"Where're you going Allison, you're supposed to be watching Caroline?" Mom insisted on placing her novel down,

"No that's what you're doing, I'm going to hang out with Sky." I asserted grabbing hold of Sky's hand,

"See you around Mrs. Baker, have a good afternoon." He waves just as I yank him away.

"Aren't you gonna yell at me too?" I huffed stopping as soon as we were far enough along the beach,

"Yell at you?" He repeats looking confused,

"Yeah and tell me how ungrateful and irresponsible I am."

"Why would I lie? You're nothing that like that." He says holding my hand for assurance,

"My mom doesn't think so." I sigh looking down at our feet, Sky places a single finger on my chin and tilts my head up to look him in the eye,

"She doesn't see you like I do, she doesn't see the real you." He tells me and I can feel myself melting,

Sky's face was like a poem, you could read him every single day and still find something new and fascinating to admire. I shiver ran down my spine and I hugged myself, I didn't think to carry a towel or anything since we were on the private beach.

"Come on let's go inside," Sky says and I follow him as though by instinct and I knew then that I would follow him anywhere.

Sky's house was different from mine, the energy inside it was more positive and his mom was always baking so there was always something in the kitchen. This time his mom had baked the most delicious vanilla cupcakes with chocolate frosting, Sky couldn't have any because he's allergic to it.

"Sky there's no way you've never tasted chocolate!" I groan taking another bite into my cupcake,

"I have and I ended up in the emergency room, but that was a long time ago so I can't exactly remember what it tastes like." He explains and I can't help but laugh,

"Do you want me to tell you what it tastes like?" I suggest,

"Why not." He says moving closer towards me, I'm seated on the kitchen counter and he's now standing directly between my legs.

"Well, the texture is kind of like if they made velvet into a food. It smells sweet and also a little bit nutty, like almonds maybe." I explain dipping my finger into the icing and licking my finger, I notice how Sky is no longer looking into my eyes, but at my lips,

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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