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When they arrived at the house they went straight up to Hyuck's room where Mark convinced the younger to get changed.

With Hyuck now in some pyjamas and one of the hoodies Mark had given him, the two boys were now cuddled up under the covers of Hyuck's bed.

With his ear pressed tightly to Mark's chest as the older's arms wrapped around him tightly, Hyuck was able to breathe. The strangling feeling that had sat with him since the principal's office fading away. But despite that, the throbbing of his head and the sickening feeling in his stomach stuck.

Mark could feel the younger softly drifting away into a better world of dreams. His body becoming looser and relaxed as his head became less pushed to his chest and instead just resting there.

They had only been home for half an hour and Mark was sure the younger had completely fallen asleep. It made sense. They were both exhausted from the events of the day.

He carefully climbed out of the bed, Hyuck's head falling to the pillow. Mark made sure the sheets were wrapped tightly around the younger to make sure the warmth stuck as much as possible while he was gone.

He quietly made his way down the stairs, grabbing two bottles of water and some snacks. He also sent his parents a message saying he would probably be home late as well as letting Jaemin know they had gone home early and he was with Hyuck before making his way back up the stairs.

When he pushed the door open he was surprised to see the younger sat on the bed shivering as tears streamed down his cheeks.

Mark quickly walked in, dumping the things from in his arms onto the end of the bed. He then climbed over the younger, pulling him into his chest. He could feel Hyuck shaking in his arms and it was heartbreaking.

"I-I'm s-so-sorry" Hyuck sniffled through a broken sob.

"No sunshine. Don't say that, please. It's not your fault. None of it's your fault so don't apologise" Mark said softly, running his hand through the younger's messy curls that had been ruffled up in his short sleep. "What happened anyway? I thought you were sleeping?" Mark questioned.

"m-my head h-hurts and I w-w-was cold" Hyuck sniffled, shifting the way his head rest against Mark, his forehead now pressed against the front of his shoulder.

"Okay, Its alright, come on" Mark spoke as he moved, lifting up the blanket so he could climb under. Before sitting down properly he moved the things that he had left at the end of the bed so he could reach them.

He then leant back against the headrest of the bed and Hyuck shifted so his head was laying in Mark's chest with the older's arm draped over his shoulder where it rubbed his back.

"Here, have a drink. I also grabbed some paracetamol while I was downstairs. It should help" Mark said as he handed the items to Hyuck who did as he was told before laying down again.

Mark turned the TV on and put it at a low volume so it didn't make Hyuck feel worse. The two stayed cuddled up in the bed for a while. Mark would occasionally snack, making sure Hyuck would eat a little bit every now and again as well as making sure he had a drink.

A few hours passed and a couple movies had been watched before Mark noticed that Hyuck had finally fallen asleep. Finally, because he could tell how drained the younger was, his skin pale but his cheeks flushed. His eyes clearly struggling to stay open as they watched movies.

But now he was asleep. His mouth slightly parted as small snores escaped. Mark carefully pulled himself from under Hyuck so he was now solely asleep on the pillow, the blanket pulled around him tightly.

He shifted slightly making Mark wince, holding his breath in, in hopes he hadn't woken the younger.

Mark sat beside the sleeping boy for a while, slowly, bit by bit climbing out of the bed, making sure Hyuck stayed asleep.

Eventually, he was able to get off the bed and tiptoed out of the room. He made his way down the stairs and grabbed his bag. Just as he was about to open the door it swung open revealing Hyuck's mum.

"Mark, oh. Hi," She smiled, pulling off her jacket and hanging it up.

"Hello Mrs Lee" Mark smiled politely.

"You're heading home are you?" She asked, noticing the way his bag hung from his shoulder.

"Uh, yeah. Hyuck's upstairs" Mark said, slowly shuffling towards the door.

"I see, okay. Well, I'll see you at the school tomorrow evening. Oh, and thank you for looking after my baby. He's been through a lot over the past years and it's nice to know he's found someone who cars for him just as much, if not more than I do. He's always had Jaemin but he' s been different since meeting you. He's been happy. And that makes me happy. So thank you. And I'm sorry about what happened. I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of it tomorrow" she smiled sweetly, ruffling Mark's hair before seeing him out the door.

Mrs Lee made her way up the stairs, ready to talk to her son about the phone call she had received from the school. But when she saw her little boy asleep, the covers pulled up to his chin. The silver curls that flopped against the pillow. The bruises that scattered his face and were slowly fading away.

Mrs Lee knew about her sons lies. But she didn't know what she could do about it. She could have called the school but she was almost certain it happened outside of school. She had known it was happening for a while but never knew who it was. It was obvious it wasn't a club because the times they appeared were inconsistent. That's another way her son had changed since meeting Mark, the cuts and bruises appeared less --other than that week they fell out--.

She carefully pulled the door shut with a silent click. She quietly made her way down the stairs to the kitchen where she made herself a hot cup of tea. She thought about everything she had said to Mark. She wasn't lying.

Every part of it was true. Hyuck had been through a lot. He was happier now, well he was at least. And she was almost certain that Mark loved her son almost more than she did. And that took a lot of love. But somehow Mark seemed to manage it.

I struggled so much with writing this chapter and I feel like my writing is really 'stiff' at the start.

I thank you for reading through it

It's not as long as I thought I'd write but I think that was a good place to leave it.

Thank you all so much for being patient with me. I love you all so much for it🙏🏼💕💕

💖I hope you have/had 💖
💖an amazing day💖


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