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The nurse knocked and Mark felt Hyuck's hand tighten against his own. Usually, it would have made him slightly uncomfortable since they were at school. But for the first time, it was reassurance. Reassurance that they were in this together. They stood for a few seconds before the door swung open revealing the principal, an older woman, who stepped out the way to allow the three of them in.

The two boys took their spots on the chairs in front of the table while the principal sat behind it and the nurse on the end to her right.

"Hello boys. How are we doing?" The principal asked, not thinking before she spoke. "Never mind, ignore that. Miss Grey told me everything she knows but I need you two to fill in the gaps of the story if that's okay?" she smiled sympathetically, her lips pursed together as she began to read over what the nurse had sent her.

"Yes, Mrs Baek. You see when we arrived this morning there were pieces of paper spread around the school saying some horrible things about the two of us. We, uh, well..." Mark started before fading out as he failed to find a way to explain it without making Hyuck and himself uncomfortable. Luckily Mrs Baek cut him off.

"It's okay Mark, Miss Grey explained what happened then and said that you have been sat in the nurse's office since second period. Where were you before going to her because you weren't marked in by either of your teachers?" She asked, checking the records from in the morning.

"Behind the library Mrs. We couldn't bring our self's to stay in the school building and we needed time to calm down. We didn't come in until..." Mark looked to his side to see Hyuck starring at the floor while biting the inside of his cheek anxiously. "Until we knew that everyone would be in class," Mark said, looking back at the lady in front of him.

"Okay. Well, I saw the paper and I understand your actions however you will need to catch up on missed work. Do you have any idea who did it?" she asked.

"I think I have a pretty good idea" Mark sighed.

"And who would that be Mark?" she asked, preparing to write down the name.

"Lucas Wong" Mark stated.

"I thought he was your friend?" Mrs Baek asked, sure she had seen the two together in the past.

"Yeah, so did I. Lucas has never liked Donghyuck Mrs. He is always bullying him so when we, uh, when we became friends he didn't like it much. I think that's why he did what he did to both of us" Mark sighed. He thought back to how nice Lucas used to be. They had been friends for so long. It wasn't until the summer before they started high-school when Mark could tell his friend had changed. It wasn't until he met Hyuck that he knew for certain.

"I see. Okay. Well, what I'm going to do is I'm going to dismiss the pair of you before everyone else and I'm going to speak to Lucas tomorrow morning during homeroom. Would you two be able to come back at the start of period one tomorrow morning?" she asked, looking up from her computer.

"Yes, Mrs" Mark responded. When she then looked at Hyuck the younger only nodded.

"Okay, and then I will have to call your parents in after school and we will all have to talk about everything" she stated, typing everything into her laptop as she spoke. "Okay, you're dismissed. You can head home and I'll see you tomorrow" She smiled up at them before going back to her laptop.

The two boys stood up and shuffled out of her office and made their way out the school as quickly as possible.

Mark decided to head straight to Hyuck's house. The whole drive there Hyuck was silent, his head resting against his arm that lay on the window ledge.

Mark gently rested his hand against the younger's knee. Hyuck moved his hand onto of the olders until Mark switched it so his was on top. He gently rubbed his thumb against Hyuck's hand. He didn't move it unless he needed to change gear, but he would always place it back after.

Not a word was spoken. Not a humm, not a mutter not a laugh. Silent. But it was comfortable. Both felt safest with the person by their side. They both felt safest when together.

Bit short but I have ideas for the next chapter

Random question time:

What is your favourite part of my story??

Personally, I like writing about emotions and gentle/soft intimacy so those would be my favourite parts.

Thank you so much for reading my story, I know its a bit all over the place but I hope you like it none the less💕💕


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