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His breath caught in his throat as he took in the view. His hand held tightly to the olders as his mouth gaped slightly.

Mark let out a small chuckle, using his index finger to push the younger's jaw closed.

"Do you like it?" He asked as he moved to stand beside the younger, gesturing him to walk to the only table that stood in the centre of the room.

"Y-y-yeah" Hyuck choked out, following Mark, their hands still clasped together.

As Hyuck moved, he continued to look around him. The room they stood in was simple, the floors tiled and the walls a simple grey. All the tables but one were stacked to the sides of the room.

The table was a small round one with a simple white cloth draped across the top of it. In the centre of it stood a small vase of cream tulips.

All across the room, there were fairy lights strung in a circular swirl that centred above the table.

"Mark, w-where are we?" the younger asked as they sat down.

"Well, I've been thinking about how I feel. Specifically about you. And I decided that I'm ready to let our parents know" Mark explained, painfully slowly.

"W-what's that got to d-do with where w-we are?" Hyuck asked, only now stopping looking around and facing the older.

"So, hi, I didn't think I would feel so scared" Mark chuckled slightly.

"Why are you scared? W-w-what's going on, Mark?" Hyuck asked, the anxiety rising in him once again.

He watched as Mark unbuttoned the top button of his shirt and wiped his sweaty hands on his black chinos.

"This is my parents' restaurant. That's why they work late a lot of the time because it's busy. They closed early today so they could help me with this. I want you to meet them tonight. You don't have to if it makes you uncomfortable, we can just go somewhere else" Mark rambled making Hyuck giggle slightly.

"I think I can d-do that" he smiled, placing his hands on top of Mark's that fumbled together on top of the table.

"Are you sure. I don't want you to feel pressured or anything" Mark started rambling again.

"Mark, I'm sure" Hyuck smiled, stopping Mark from continuing to talk any longer. "You look n-nice. I f-feel really underdressed n-now" Hyuck blushed, looking down at his lap.

"No, you look gorgeous. You could have worn anything and you would still look gorgeous" Mark smiled, watching as the younger blushed harder, but this time followed by a cheeky grin.

"Even a c-clown costume?" He questioned with a small pout.

"Even a clown costume" Mark agreed with a smile.

The two enjoyed talking for a while before Mark's parents came out from the kitchen with the food they had prepared.

"Samgyeopsal, rice, kimchi and Korean fried chicken for two" His mother sang as she and her husband carried out the dishes.

After placing them down on the table they stepped back and watched as Hyuck's eyes widened at the array of food.

"W-wow, that's a lot of f-food" Hyuck gasped as the last plate was set down.

"Look, honey. He's speechless" Mark's mom celebrated.

"Mom~ I told you, he has a stutter" Mark facepalmed as he mom shifted in her place slightly.

"It's o-okay Mrs Lee. This L-looks great" Hyuck smiled.

"I hope you enjoy it sweetie" Mark's mom smiled.

Forlorn | Markhyuck ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें