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He felt his leg begin to shake in natural terror but tried to keep his facial expression invalid of emotion. Yoongi always told him don't show fear. If you show fear, you're doomed.

The Captain loomed closer, leaning over the boy. He could now see the face of his worst enemy clearer than before, the details of his scar marked face illuminated in the light.

The Captain was a monstrously large man with a shaved head and a tattoo, similar to that of a mafia or prison tattoo, under his left eye. He wasn't necessarily ugly but his constant glower and sarcastic smirk added to his nefarious aura. He was burly and rough; certainly a man you wouldn't want to mess with.

Jungkook couldn't help but feel squeamish and sick to the stomach. This was the man that had broken Taehyung's arm with a simple flick of the wrist. It took Jin hours to mend it completely.

He leaned in closer, his teeth showing, like fangs, through his sinister smile.

"I'm going to have a lot of fun with you."


Jungkook screamed loudly and he felt a arm wrap around his bicep as memories of torture, inflicted by the Captain, flashed before his eyes.

"Jungkook, hey! Calm down, it's me. It's Yoongi. You're just having a nightmare."

He quickly opened his eyes and realised that he'd been reliving an old memory and he wasn't in the laboratory but actually in a luxury, wooden canopy bed.

He tried to calm his breaths and he felt a soothing hand rubbing his back as he counted the seconds in his head. It took him a couple of minutes but he finally managed to make sense of his surroundings and, more importantly, the boy sat next to him.

"Yoongi Hyung!" He threw himself onto the unsuspecting boy who fell back slightly from the force of the hug. Yoongi wasn't the type of person who was fond of cuddling but even he couldn't turn away the young boy before him. Especially, since he was the reason that he was captured in the first place.

"Hey kid." He nuzzled into Jungkook's head, feeling his long, overgrown hair tickle his cheek.

"Are you really here? Am I really here? Are we all-"

"We're fine, all of us. You're home."

Jungkook beamed, the childish energy that he had been forced to hide for the last year, bursting out of him uncontrollably. He couldn't believe what was happening. Actually happening. He'd dreamt of this moment every single night, pleading that someone would answer his distant calls and, someone did. Hayeon.

Jungkook's eyes quickly widened and he pulled away from Yoongi in horror. His mind flashed back to what had happened before he'd passed out due to fatigue and he quickly remembered the poor condition of the girl. She'd been as pale as a sheet and motionless, her body limp like some sort of rag doll. He knew that Jin had helped her but, was she alright?

"Is Hayeon okay?" He interrogated, almost falling out of bed as he looked around the room for some sort of robe or dressing gown.

Yoongi jumped up from his chair and tried to usher the eager boy back into bed but Jungkook's mind was already set. He was going to see Hayeon even if it meant tying Yoongi to the bedpost as a result.

"Jungkook-ah, I promise that she's okay. She was hanging out with Jimin. You know Jimin will keep her company." That much was certainly true. Jimin was fond of good first impressions and would smother the girl with all sorts of presents until she never wanted to leave. Still, Jungkook still wanted to check on her for himself. If anything, he wanted to say thank you.

Just as he went to grab the brass doorknob, he felt a cold hand grab his. Considering Yoongi had the enhancement of pyrokinesis, his hands were always rather chilly.

"Don't leave just yet."

He turned around to see Yoongi with an almost wounded look on his face.

"Stay with me just a little bit longer."

Yoongi's whole shoulders were sagged and he struggled to make eye contact with the younger. He didn't want to admit that he'd missed the boy uncontrollably and the thought of him leaving for some girl made his mouth taste like poison. He couldn't help but be a tiny, only tiny, bit jealous.

"Yoongi hyung." Jungkook walked towards the older and grabbed his hand. "She's nice but she's not going to replace you. I'll always love you and the others."

"That's not what I mea-" Yoongi went to argue but paused when Jungkook sent him a pointed look. Yoongi blushed slightly and chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Fine. Go see her."

His voice was blunt but Jungkook tell he wasn't angry anymore. It would probably take him a long while to truly trust Hayeon but this was a step in the right direction. "Why don't you come and meet her?"

Yoongi went to agree but quickly backtracked when he realised that she was socialising with Jimin, a boy who would give him an earful for the next week. Yoongi knew he'd was in the wrong for not telling Hayeon about the arranged meeting place but he wasn't going to admit it, especially not to Jimin.

"I'll miss out this time." Jungkook nodded softly, engraved the memory of the boy in his mind and almost flew out the door as he went to meet Hayeon and the other boys.

He was home. Finally.

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