Chapter 7: No One Like You

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"You take good care of her for me, Ryan," Mum said while patting my hair.

"I will, Mrs. Kendall." He flashed his set of pearly white teeth at us, making him look gorgeous. He was acting like we were on perfectly good terms, and nothing is wrong.

I slid into the passenger's seat waving at her, as Ryan drove off.

We both were silent for a while, none of us attempted at a conversation. I peeked a glance at him through the corner of my eye and watched as his muscles budge when steering the steering wheel. He kept staring at the road, not once glancing at me.

I recollected all Alex had said then. We needed to talk it out. It was really bad for us to keep acting like kids, even kids made up. And I missed my best friend.

"Ryan?" I called out but got no reply or reaction, but I did notice his hand tightening on the steering wheels.

"Ryan, we need to talk," I said softly, and hoped he was even listening to me. But still, nothing.

"Ryan, look..."

"I don't want to talk." He deadpanned, making me frown.

"But we need to..."

"I said I don't want to talk!" This time he glared at me, and I could see the anger etched all over his face. Why was he so angry at me? He was the one who said I was ignoring him, and now he didn't even want to speak with me.

He stared back at the road, while I kept quiet and could feel the tears forming in my eyes. What did he want from me? Did he want me to talk to him or leave me alone? Just because I left him he was treating me like an enemy. I could feel tesrs pool in my eyes and my heart squeeze painfully in my chest at the thought of that.

We drove the rest of the way in silence, till we reached his home. He stormed out of the car, slamming the door shut in anger while leaving me seated in the car.

After a few seconds, I also got out, and before I got to the front door, Lauren was already there with a worried look on her face.

"I saw Ryan storm in looking angry. I hope he didn't do anything stupid?" She asked worriedly, then ushered me in..

"No, I'm fine," I assured her.

"Okay, then. How have you been?" I followed her into the kitchen, which was already filled with so many ingredients and foodstuffs. I guess we would be doing a lot of cooking.

"I'm fine."

"What of your grandma? How was she before you left?" She sat at the head of the dining table, and I took a seat near her too.

"She was better when I left. I call her every day to check up on her."

"That's good. Let's get cooking then."

And with that, we started making dinner. It turned out some of the business associates were vegetarians while some weren't, so we had to make different meals that they could choose from. She also wanted to impress them because her husband was trying to make a deal with their companies.

While cooking, we chatted a little about my stay at my grandma's and even fashion. She might be in her late thirties, but she sure acted like she was twenty, and talked like one too.

Kira kept sneaking in to steal some cookies, or some other snack, then she blabbered on for a little while before skipping away. Then she would come back and repeat the cycle.

"It's been long I've talked this much with anyone. Everyone around here is never at home, and when they are, they coop themselves up in their room. Except for Kira, she's a handful." Lauren added with a chuckle, and I joined her. It was good talking with her..

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