chapter 12

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As we made our way back to the house there was absolute silence in the car .What happened back then kept processing through my mind and sending shivers through my body. What if the kiss was all a mistake and Will didn’t love me at all.

I was so wrapped in my own thoughts and feeling that I didn’t even realise that time had passed so quickly and we were back home already. ’Anna ‘I heard Will alleged, but I didn’t have it in me to respond back so I ignored him.

‘Anna, we’re home!‘ he repeated. What I heard next changed my whole life and my body shook with confusion, anger and frustration. ‘Get out of my car, Anna!’  , I heard Will say.

He didn’t need to wait for my response as I bolted out of the car and towards my room, tears dripping out of my eyes. Although as I got to my room another surprised awaited me.

‘Anna! My baby .What took you so long, I’ve been here waiting for you.’ came the reply from Daimon and as he stepped closer towards me I smelt alcohol mixed with cigarette from his breath and it was revolting!.

‘Anna, grandmothers only got a few days to live! She’s dying and there’s nothing I can do.’ Daimons voice was so full of emotions and I realised that must be why he’s drinking in the first place. And I felt like I needed to support him as a friend.

As I was about to step closer to him in order to comfort him, but before I could his words made me hold back. ‘Anna, she would like to be there for our engagement and  I was thinking if we could change the engagement day to this Sunday’. He asked.

While I stood there frozen, mentally trying to work out what day it was today. Tuesday! which meant Sunday was 4 days away. No way in hell!

I hadn’t noticed Daimon was so close to me until I felt his revolting breath once again on my face. ‘Are you not happy!’ he asked, in a tone that it made it clear, it didn’t really matter to him what I was happy or not.

‘I am happy , why wouldn’t I be’. I replied back. Attempting to look anywhere but at him and suddenly my own room looked so foreign to me.

Daimon quickly grabbed me into a hold and before I knew he bit right on my neck. ’Daimon, what you doing ?’ I shrieked in his face .

‘Anna , I have to mark you and this mark will reassure me that you’re mine! And you’ll always remain mine.’ He retorted back with a laugh, whilst tightening his hold on me.

‘Daimon your being unreasonable, this is not right.’ The worlds came as jumble because he was basically covering my whole face with his fat head whilst he had a go at my neck.

Suddenly we were on the bed and he was on top of me. I couldn’t find my reflex that’s how shocked I was .What was happening to me! This wasn’t me . I tried to recover some of the moves I learnt from Will but I couldn’t because my mind was seriously not functioning or maybe learning the moves wasn’t so easy after all. All I felt was the burning sensation on my neck.

Just when I thought Daimon was done , then I heard him say’ I need more’ and before I know it he tried to rip off  my crisscross strap dress of my body which I still remained wearing from the party. As he pulled and one of my strap came lose I knew I was done.

‘Help! Will, please come.’ I screamed, until I remembered what happened back in the car , there’s was no way I was calling him for help.

I froze from the shock that my husband to be was on an attempt to rape me .Could this day get any worse and my body started to shake from the fear of being raped. ‘Somebody help me ‘ I screamed , but I knew it was useless, this mansion was so big that no one would ever hear me in a million years.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2015 ⏰

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