chapter 5

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A few hours later we were in front of the mansion, Will got out of the car and went to the other side to open the door for me to motion outside. My relationship with Will had gotten so much better; this trip was a huge highlight in us getting to know each other well.

‘’Anna, my child.’’ My dad said as he made his way toward me.

‘’Dad? what are you doing here?’’ i asked ,while moving towards him to give him a hug. This didn’t sound good, why is my dad here .He wasn’t supposed to come until December holidays where he’d get Daimon and I engaged, but it was only March.

Instead of replying to my question he said‘’ Anna look at you! Is ths the way a lady like girl dresses? Anna I already told you I don’t like it when you dress like this. Your my daughter and my reputation depend on you, so please do not embarrass me.’’

I couldn’t even look at him, my own father was saying this to me. Isn’t a father supposed to make his daughter feel gorgeous? Shouldn’t he be telling me that I am beautiful and that he loves and missed me so much in the last few days?. Looking away as i couldnt face this man, who is supposedly father anymore and whilst at it  I caught Will’s eye, he gave me a sad smile while making his way to the back of the house where he stayed. I wish he could stay there, I just want to be near him and remember the last few days of my life which ill treasure for the rest of my life.

‘’Daimon would like to move the date of the engagement to next month. I thought what’s so bad about that , that’s a good thing ,So here I am .’’ he replied , snapping me out of my thoughts.

I couldn’t believe it , I wasn’t ready to get engaged yet . My engagement was supposed to months away, I cannot get engaged next month.

‘’Dad, no! This isn’t fair. I am not ready for an engagement.’’ I said, biting my lip to stop the tears from coming down.

‘’Anna, watch the way you speak to me.Where did all your manners go and I didn’t come all the here to ask for your opinion. This is final do you understand .you will Marry Daimon, whether you like it or not !, no questions asked.’’ he shrieked in my face.

I couldn’t even say anything; I was too shocked to even move. I couldn’t take it anymore, so I just ran back to my room.

‘’Anna get back here now!. ‘My dad yelled from where he was standing demanding me to get back to where I stood before. But I kept running back to my room, tears streaming down my face.

I was so angry and shocked, I couldn’t do anything, I hated my dad for controlling my life. I am so sick of him and my life right now, I wish I could get away .I crawled into bed, hoping that sleep will help my anger go away.

I woke up a few hours later , I just sat on my bed and cried big fat sobs that won’t going to stop not until someone tells me that my dad had been joking when he said he was going to move the engagement date. A knock at my door snapped me out of my thought, Oh my god! What if it was Daimon, I had to hit myself to remind myself that I didn’t care what Daimon thought of me, who cares what he thinks anyway. I looked in the mirror and wiped all my tears and fixed my hair.

‘’Anna, it’s me, Can I come inside.’’ Will called from outside of the door. I was so happy to see him, I missed him so much. He is the only one that would understand how I feel. But I looked horrible, my eyes were puffy and my cheeks were sore and red from all that crying.

‘’No! , go away Will I don’t want to see anyone.’’ I said to warn him not to come inside.

‘’ Anna, allow me come inside or ill make myself come in without your permission.’’

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