The Last Sacrifice

Start from the beginning

The force in which he pushed off the ground to fly at her left a crater in the ground. In his hands a sword materialized, its entirety was black from hilt to tip. As their weapons clashed Morgianna got her first look at his face and was stunned. It was true what they say about gods and goddesses being beautiful. If she had not heard his voice she almost would have believed him to be a woman. "I do not know why you fight so hard for them, surely you know that today you will die yet you still fight me at every turn!" His eyes that were violet stared at her at this close range and Morgianna almost wavered. They were magnetic drawing her into their depths.

She would have surrendered right there if another voice did not intrude into her thoughts. 'He wants you to surrender because he fears you. He is not as powerful as he once was and he knows that. We cannot help you with our powers, but we are right behind you.'

Her grandmother's words rang through her head and gave her newfound strength. If he really was as powerful as he was making himself out to be then he would not want her as an ally, he would want to end her just as he is doing to everyone else. "I fight you because what you are doing is wrong. It was wrong years ago and it is wrong now." Pulling strength from the well within her Morgianna pushed, surprising herself when Eltarr was forced to take a step back.

His face was black with anger. He wanted her to hurt, to feel the despair of losing everything. A smile crept onto his face as he thought of ways to make her beg. The people that were fighting his puppets were her weakness and he would slash at that weakness until it exposed her weak heart. With a snap of his finger a portal appeared showing the academy grounds and the carnage that had been wreaked upon it. Morgianna immediately saw familiar faces and wanted to go to them but between her and the portal was a gloating god. "Then fight me until you can fight no more...the question is will you fall first or them?" With those words he stepped through the portal closing it behind him before Morgianna could even take a step forward.

With thoughts of what he would do to those she cared about circling through her mind, Morgianna shot into the sky. She pushed her body to go faster, the trees below her nothing but a blur as she arrived within seconds at the academy grounds. It was easy to spot Eltarr, he was a spot of black in the middle of a sea of red. In his hands was a member of the guild that she had spoken to a few times. The man's eyes locked on her in a silent plea to save him but she could tell by the sadistic smile on Eltarr's face that she was about to see something awful. As if he were ripping a sheet of paper Eltarr pulled the man apart never taking his eyes off of her. He must have seen the flinch that she tried to hide because his smile grew wider, emitting a feral feeling.

Shouts can be heard all around but Morgianna can't take her eyes off the grisly scene in front of her. The man's face looking at her with hopes when she arrived only for it to turn into a look of pain before falling slack. "Tell me girl, do you still feel like you can save them?" His voice was spoken so gently yet she heard the words like thunder in her ears. Without even telling her body to move she was flying at him in a pit of rage. He knew why she was fighting, what gave her to motivation to raise a hand against him and he purposely provoked her. He wanted her to lose sight of her surroundings, to fight like there wouldn't be a tomorrow. For her and for him there might as well not be.

Fafnir had seen Morgianna fly past him and not even glance in his direction so he had long since sent out a message to the rest of their group to gather everyone and head to his location. He watched unable to do anything to shield her eyes as that man was killed in front of her and helpless to stop her when she flew into a frenzied attack. His words were not reaching her in her mind or if he screamed at her. He was soon joined by their comrades and they all watched for an opening so that they could jump in and help her.

"What do we do? It is like she doesn't even feel the cuts he is putting on her." Myra was biting her sharp nails as she looked at Morgianna and Eltarr as they danced around slashing at one another in a deadly show. One had a joyous smile on his face while the other looked like even chopping him into pieces would be too nice of an outcome for him.

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