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It had been a month since all of them had been introduced to this new world. A place where ghouls didn't exist but instead nearly 80% of the population had powers or as they liked to call them quirks.

An alter that used to be trapped in the forest in the inner world was now free. Their name was Black Reaper. They had only ever fronted once and that had been a disaster. Reaper didn't know where they where or anything about the situation and had almost murdered the person they had been staying with. Tanaka Seiko.

The black haired woman had allowed the system to stay in her flat for the duration of their stay. She had been trying her best to help as much as she could (but barely knowing about the disorder did show a few complications). So far, she had met all the alters and got along with Kid, Mad Knight, Eyepatch and Haise. Let's just leave it as Reaper almost immediately went back to the inner world after hurting her and Centipede hated her because she stopped him from abusing the body.

At the moment, Eyepatch was sitting in an office with her current guardian. Tanaka had been trying to get them to agree to go to school for the time being seeing as the body was only 15.

"I believe we can allow Kaneki-san here to join our school," The headmaster, Nezu, spoke up after taking a sip of his coffee," Of course, there will be rules in place in case an incident happens."

Beside him stood two other people. One was a man who was supposedly going to be her new homeroom teacher called Aizawa Shota or something and the other was an old woman who was the school nurse.

"In my opinion, Kaneki should attend U.A as long as the teacher before each lesson is informed about which alter is fronting it will be okay," Recovery Girl intervened with a kind smile," As long as everyone agrees, I think we have reached a conclusion."

"Don't they smell delicious? Take a bite, come on. Come on. Come on. Eat them. Eat them. Eat them. Eat them. Eat them. Eat them. Eat them. Eat them. Eat them." Centipede chanted.

Eyepatch found herself almost about to speak aloud in retaliation before realising the others in the room, clenching her fists. It wasn't as even she could face the floor and her hair could cover her face. Her white hair was still in the boyish cut it was in a month ago, just made to look neater.

"Kaneki-san can start tomorrow if she wishes," Nezu offered, to which Tanaka nodded rapidly," By the way, Miss Tanaka. Considering your quirk and how our new student was brought to this world, is it safe to call this power of hers a...quirk? Just so people or the media don't get suspicious."

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