"Let's eat." Ben said, slowly walking to the dinner table. Sheldon wondered what was for lunch, and as if Angela read his mind, "What are we eating for lunch?"

"Eric decided to make spaghetti. So, we're eating spaghetti." Sandy answered.

"But, I thought we established spaghetti was a dinner dish." Angela said.

"Just shut up and eat what I finally made for once. We all know that I hardly cook." Eric said, setting up the plates and etc.

As Angela sat down, Sheldon wanted to sit next to her, but Ben calmly took Sheldon's seat. Sheldon sucked in a breath and looked at the seat that was across from Angela, and sat down. "Daddy, do you want me to get your plate?" Sandy questioned, as she was preparing her plate.

"Yeah. Thanks, sweetie." Ben says. He then looks at Angela who was staring at her hands. "Have I ever told you that you look beautiful?"

Angela rolled her eyes and headed to the stove to get her and Sheldon's plates. Ben sighed in annoyance and looked at Sheldon, "How did you meet my daughter?" Ben asks.

Sheldon cleared his throat, "Well, we met at a meeting with our University president."

"Did you guys start becoming a thing after you met?"

Sheldon choked, "N-No. We became good friends."

Ben smiled, and Angela gave Sheldon his plate and a cup of Strawberry Nesquick. Angela sat next to her father with her plate and a Pepsi as her drink. Then, everyone started to feast on the spaghetti and they all sat in silence enjoying the food. As Ben munched on his spaghetti, he saw that Angela and Sandy were talking in hushed voices. This made Ben feel like he needed to talk to someone too, so he decided to annoy Sheldon.

The only way he can get a conversation started, he had to critique of something that the person was wearing or using or had. So, he wanted to judge Sheldon's drink. "Why are drinking strawberry milk?" Ben asked.

Sheldon looked at Ben from across, "I like it, sir."

"Are you a kid or something? Do you want me to get you a beer?"

"Isn't it early to drink?" Sheldon asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

Eric gulped and coughed, signaling to Sheldon to shut up. Ben gave Sheldon a stern look and chuckled. "It's never early to drink. I bet you God even thinks that it's never too early to drink!"

Sheldon put his fork down, and gave a stern look. "God wouldn't allow drinking if he even existed. If there was one, I think you would not be speaking of drinking."

Ben stood up and pointed a finger at Sheldon, "You will not be speaking of the Lord like that in my house! I'll give you one chance to apologize, Mister!"

Sheldon crossed his arms and Angela stood up as well, "He doesn't have to apologize to you. You know very well that we don't believe in God." Angela said, looking at her father.

Ben did know that Sheldon and Angela were not believers of the Lord, because he lived with Angela for twenty years, and Sandy told Ben that Sheldon was not religious. He felt defeated. He needed someone on his side, but he knows that he won't have anyone on his side. The stuff he did back then made him look like a monster.

Ben cleared his throat, "Listen, I don't like it when someone disrespects the Lord. But I practically married a woman who wasn't a believer, and I have a daughter who doesn't either. So...I guess I can accept you."

Sheldon nodded, and kept eating. Angela sat down, but Ben decided not to. He grabbed his plate and ate in the living room. Sheldon felt like Angela's father didn't like him, but what was he supposed to do? Lie about not believing God? Angela doesn't believe in him, so he didn't see what the problem was.

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