Part 5

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April was late for her class. She woke up fifteen minutes late than her usual time. She rushed out out of her bed and headed straight to the shower. She put on whatever she could find in her closet. Grabbed a granola bar from her kitchen and bolted out of her house. 

By the time she reached, she still had five minuted before class started. She then calmed herself and started walking towards the class at a slower pace. She suddenly heard a noise, someone was calling her.

"Hey! April wait a second!" It was Kevin. "Today's class has been cancelled, they just gave out a notice." He continued.

"Ohh thank you for letting me Know Kevin." April gave him a nervous smile and was about to leave when he stopped her again.

"Wait April uhh, I didn't mean to see you a few days ago but, I saw you hugging a guy at the bookstore that day, he seemed nervous. Is he the guy you like?" He asked with a nervous look on his face.

"Yeah he's the guy I told you that I liked. I confessed to him yesterday." April replied, trying to act as genuine as possible.

"Did he reject you? By his expression it looked like-" She cut him off

"He asked me to give him some time."

"Ohh. Yeah alright. I'll see you later then. " Kevin replied and with a nod went the other way.

April had the whole day to herself. She went to the library and started to read Perfect Storm, she was almost halfway through the novel now, she would probably finish it today. The novel was very well written, every scene was very well thought of and the plot was absolutely mind blowing. AL never failed to impress. She was yet to decide which scenes she was going to paint from the book. And there was one scene she thought required more attention, she couldn't figure it out completely. The scene in the attic, the scene when the protagonist reads the letter, his partner wrote to him. She was lost in thought when her phone pinged. 

It was a text from Adrien.

Adrien: "Hey everything okay with the creep who asked you out? Just curious.." It read

April: "Yeah, everything is okay, he's not a bad guy though, he's just a little determined that's all, his name is Kevin btw." 

April: "Btw did you finish reading Perfect Storm?"

Adrien: "Yeah I did, what is it that you wanted to ask me about it though?"

April: "I'll tell you about that in person when we meet up. Apart from that I told Kevin that you asked me to give you some time when I confessed to you earlier. Just letting you know that I am going to tell him that we're dating. You know why so don't ask me anything regarding this."

Adrien:"Ohh well okay, just in case you didn't know, I'm 23 years old, if he asks you. Also I'm not from New York, I live in Nevada and well  I'm gonna leave in a few days too. So just frame a story keeping those in mind. If he insists on meeting me when I'm gone or something...I just thought you should know."

April:" Ohh woah okay I'll keep those in mind. Lets talk later today. You free at 6:00 PM?"

Adrien: "Yep."

April: "Okay so let's meet up then. I'll text you the address in a few minutes."

Adrien: "Okay. Catch up with you later then."

It was already 5:45 PM and April was walking towards  "The Nutty Elixir Café."  The air was freezing. She was cold, even with her sweater and her coat, but it didn't matter. The day was illuminated with that special cold, pale light only winter's Sun could give. Frosted air forced it's way into her lungs and stung her eyes. She wrapped her scarf around her neck so that it enfolded her lips, hoping that her own exhaled air would be trapped around them in a microcosm of warmth.

She spotted Adrien sitting inside as she got closer. He was reading a book, completely immersed into it. To her surprise she realized she wasn't walking anymore, she had stopped and was now just looking at him. He was tall, his black hair fell just above his eyes, he was wearing glasses today, that was new and if she were to be honest he was pretty handsome too. Even now she could see girls eyeing him form the other tables.  Brushing her thoughts off, she resumed her walk towards the café. 

"Hey! It's been a while since we last met right? How have you been?" Asked Adrien, not hiding his excitement upon seeing her again.

"I'm good and yeah it has been a while. What about you? By the way, is it really true that you're not from here?" Replied April.

"I've been good too. Yeah I'll be going back to Nevada in a week. Ohh and I have already ordered coffee for us, is that okay?"

"Yeah, absolutely fine with me. What are you reading though?" She asked.

"Ahh this just a collection of poetry. What was it that you wanted to ask me about Perfect storm anyways?"

"Yeah about that, do you remember that scene where Jonathan discovers a letter from Jane in the attic? Where she kinda explains why she left him and how much she loved him and stuff?"

"Yeah I do" he replied.

"Well the emotions AL described, in those lines, Can you tell me your take on that? The thing is I am a art major student and well I really like to take inspirations from different scenes in novels and recreate them in my paintings. I don't really know anyone besides you who actually understands AL's work. So I wanted to know how you imagined that scene to be. I'm planning on painting it you know." she said.

" Wait you're going to paint m- His work? Seriously?" Asked Adrien, not being able to hide his shock.

"Yeah I always do it, I have painted a lot of his scenes before."

Adrien didn't know how to react. All that he could think about was how those paintings looked. The fact that someone recreated the scenes he had written was an absolute shock. He wanted to see those for himself. And without even knowing, it he blurted it out.

"Well if its okay with you, can you let me see those paintings of yours?"

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