Ticket Please

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"I did everything for a reason, to Protect you!"

"I did it!"

"I had to Mo! It was the only option!"

My body shot up and my chest heaved up and down as I breathed heavily. Sweat dripped from my forehead as I realized I was having a nightmare.

Bad thing is I was living in one too.

I looked at my surroundings and realized I was in the guest bedroom of my home.

I sighed and slipped on my robe and slippers. I went down the hall and slowly opened Kimora's bedroom door seeing her night light shining on her resting face.

I slowly shut her door. As I was about to walk back into the guest bedroom I heard noise from downstairs.

I peered over and saw King putting out Christmas presents since today was Christmas Day.

He felt my presence and looked up at me. "I woke you up? I didn't mean to I was just-"

"Don't." I walked down the stairs slowly feeling weak.

I couldn't even seem to look at King. I could barely even wrap my head around what he had told me a couple hours ago. How could he let my child get taken from me?? PURPOSELY!

"Mo can we-"

"I said don't." The words came out with no emotion. I grabbed me a glass of water and watched as he put continued to place presents under the tree.

"We are gonna have to talk about it at some point."

I didn't say anything just continued to sip the water.

He sighed rubbing his hand down his face. "I don't think you get it Mo. I had to do-"

Without even thinking I lodged the glass cup towards him hoping it would hit him and cut up his face. "You didn't have to do shit!" I yelled holding tears back.

"That was my son King! MY CHILD!"

"What else was I suppose to do Monica!? He had taken damn near all the money I had to give! Killed my mama! And shit did you forget I gave up my brother!! He was going to go for you next."

"Would you have let him take Miracle?"




"So why the fuck would you let him take my baby?"

He looked away biting his bottom lip.

I nodded and laughed a little wiping away a tear. "After tomorrow all of your shit, I want it gone. Including you."

"Baby-" he tried to grab my arm but I snatched it away.

"And I want these divorce papers signed." I picked the papers off the table and shoved them in his chest.

"And clean that fucking glass up." I pranced back up the stairs.





"Ouuu!" Kimora squealed countless times as she opened up gifts.

"Here let me help you babygirl." I grabbed the toy and started to take it out it's packaging.

It was Christmas Day and nobody was in the spirt but Kimora.

Miracle and Jr were silent because they were upset with me as well as Monica. Morgan had came over this morning to prepare food so she was busy in the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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