Bloody Mary

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"Inmate number 054896 to visitation." A guard said into the walkie talkie that laid on his left  shoulder.

My body sat firm on the metal steel seat as I awaited for my dad.

Seconds later he came out from the back handcuffed. He looked rough around the edges. He was in desperate need for a haircut and his eyes were dark.

I ran my hand over my mouth trying to control my nerves and my racing heart. I was nervous as hell.

Dad sat down and cuffed both of his hands looking at me with disappointment.

"Wassup pops. How you been?" I asked as he continued to stare at me.

"Fine. How are you? You getting sleep at night?"

I chuckled a little. "Yea. Why wouldn't I?"

"You know what you did. It's all your fault."


"It's ALL your fault...."

"JR!" A pillow landed on my face causing me to wake up looking around at my surroundings.

Miracle laughed standing in my doorway. "What's wrong? You had a bad dream or something?" She continued to laugh as I wiped the sweat that formed on my forehead.

"What you want man damn?" I got up from my bed sliding my slides on my feet.

"No need for that attitude. Just wanted to wake you up before you're late for class."

I looked at the time on my phone and saw it was almost nine-thirty. My first class started at ten. "Damnit."

"You're welcome." Miracle said shutting my bedroom door.

I sighed once more before heading across the hall to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and hopped inside quickly.

The dream I had about my dad was realistic as shit. I guess God giving me a sign that I need to see him.

Truth is I felt guilty. I really feel like it is my fault that grandma Sheri died and that Aunt Mo's son is missing.

I closed my eyes as the water ran over my face and pictured the memory.

Grandma Sheri just put Aden down in his crib. We were both downstairs watching a marathon of Law and Order.

An hour ago uncle King, Dad, and Aunt Mo went to save Miracle and seal the deal with Carter.

"You hungry?" Grandma Sheri asked finally taking her eyes off of the TV looking at me.

"You know I am."

She laughed and shook her head standing up from the couch slowly making her way into the kitchen.

While she was in the kitchen whipping up some food I laid on the couch feeling my eyes become heavy.

They instantly widened at the sound of loud crying.

"Jr can you go get the baby?" Grandma yelled from the kitchen.

"Granny you know I don't know how to hold a baby. I might mess around and drop him." I told her trying to get comfortable again.

"You so damn lazy." She limped up the stairs.

The doorbell sounded and I sighed getting up.

Without even looking through the peephole I opened the door and instantly got popped in the mouth with the butt of a gun.

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