Squeez Me

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I have been gone for SOOOOO LONG! I know, I know. My apologies.

Since it's been almost six months since the last update I advise you all to go read the previous chapters to jog your memories. Maybe even the previous books.

Don't feel like re reading everything? Here's a gist of what's going on.

Miracle and Jr are in college.
Nick is in prison
Mo and King's marriage is on the rocks.
Monica and Morgan made up
Monica's son Aden is still missing

Once again I'm sooo sorry for leaving you guys like that!


"Okay before you guys get out of school for Christmas break your project of the solar system must be turned in." I announced to my students collecting yesterday's homework.

"It must include all of the planets and the moon and the sun." I informed them once more. "Any questions?" I asked with a smile.

The room was quiet. "Good. For the remaining time we have in class read your AR books." I sat at my desk and put the papers in the bin for me to grade.

I sighed and grabbed my phone seeing that I didn't have any text or calls from King.

Last night was horrible. Jr came by the house upset which then put King in a bad mood.

When I woke up this morning he didn't say a word to me. Didn't even look my way. He kissed Kimora then left with his phone and keys.

The bell rung and all the little fourth graders ran out the classroom. All except one.

"Derrick the lunch bell rung dear. Don't forget that Santa is in the cafeteria today. Pretty sure you don't want miss him." I smiled and grabbed my water bottle sipping from it.

"I don't believe in Santa miss H." He smacked his lips picking up his bookbag that was nearly falling apart.

"It still wouldn't hurt to go tell him what's on your Christmas list." I told him and grabbed my lunch bag.

He stuck his hands in his pockets. "Mane, the only thing I want for Christmas is new foster parents."

I stopped and turned around facing him. "Why? What's wrong with them?"

He shook his head. "You wouldn't understand." He started walking out of my classroom door.

"Wait Derrick. I actually was in a foster home most of my life. If they are putting your in any type of danger or hurting you let me know okay?"

"Yea. Okay." He slipped out of my door and headed down the hallway to the cafeteria.

I sighed once again and heated my lunch up in the mini microwave behind my desk.

While waiting for it to heat up my phone rung and I noticed it was Miracle.


"Ma do you know where Jr is!? I woke up and he wasn't here?"

"No baby I don't. He did come by the house last night. He seemed pretty distraught."

"I have called and texted him multiple times. I'm starting to get worried."

"Let me try to call him. I'll text you if I get an answer."

"Okay ma."


Pressing decline for the thousandth time I turned my phone completely off and put it in the metal bin along with my watch and earrings.

"Arms up." The guard told me and I did as told.

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