The Imperious Curse

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Part 2 to the "unrelated series" for the unforgivable curses!

"Potter, you need to help me do this, do you want to stay down here forever?"
    Draco and Harry had detention together, and their punishment was to scrub every single one of Snape's cauldrons clean, without magic. Draco, seriously wanting to sleep given that it's past midnight, has started. Harry on the other hand, used to the lack of sleep because of frequent nightmares, is leaning against Snape's desk, admiring—no—watching Draco. Not in a weird way, he's just watching him!
"I don't mind staying here forever, it seems like you want to do all the work for Snape anyways! You're such a suck up when it comes to him, really."
"Potter, everyone knows that I get good grades in every subject, I'm like that mudblood Granger but better! More respectable anyways."
"Don't call her that Malfoy, would you like to eat slugs for real this time? I'm afraid you haven't had the pleasure since Ron's wand was broken second year."
"Potter, please. I'd rather you just help me do this and stop talking. You must like the sound of your own voice, scarhead."
"How about no."
"How about this?"
    Bracing for his mind to be taken over, he stood up all the way. Harry shut his eyes as the curse hit him, but he felt nothing but a light sense of euphoria. Not enough for the Slytherin to take full control, however.
    He opened his eyes to look at Draco, and the tall blond boy in front of him looked mortified. Harry knew why. It was because the curse hadn't worked. Draco didn't mean it, in other words.
    Sighing, Harry stepped away from Snape's desk, and towards the cauldrons. Draco was working on his, his eyes unfocused, and his hands were shaking violently.
"Um, Malfoy? You good mate?"
"Why would you care, Potter?"
"You're shaking so much... the entire tables moving."
"Oh, sorry."
    He seemed to realize that I wasn't going to make snide remarks at him when he's acting like this, and after a few moments of Draco trying to even out his breathing, he failed, and he fell to the floor, head in his hands.
"Wha—Malfoy? Do you need to be taken to the hospital wing? What the fuck is up with you?"
    Draco didn't answer. His entire body was shaking, but it didn't seem like he was crying. After a while, he looked up at Harry and grabbed both his shoulders. Harry couldn't see anything but fear in Draco's grey eyes.
"Po—Potter, listen to me. My father.. my father is not going to be happy when he finds out that I failed to use that curse on you just now. Since I still have the trace on me, the ministry was informed of it and they're going to tell my father. I don't know what my father will do to me, but I really don't want to find out. Please Potter, we need to hide somewhere. My father will most likely try to torture you if he finds you without me."
"M-Malfoy? Are you sure about this? I...I know somewhere we can hide but it's all the way on the seventh floor! Wait—let me see... here! I have my cloak of invisibility, we can wear it up there. Here."
    Both boys stood up, and Harry threw the cloak of invisibility over them. Taking his hand, Harry lead Draco out of Snape's office, and up to the Room of Requirement. Draco confessed that he had no idea that the room existed before now. His hands were still shaking violently.

Yo I'm too tired to finish this rn, but I promise it'll be done soon!! -auds

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