The Burrow (pt 4)

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At this point, I have no idea how long this is gonna be. Maybe this is the last chapter depending on how much detail I add?

Draco's POV:
Ron's plan was mental. And Draco expressed this to him while lying on the cold grass near the Burrow. Ron said it was brilliant, and he even got a piece of parchment and a quill so he could write it down.

Mission Drarry
Step one: get a charmed mistletoe from Fred and George.
Step two: hang it up somewhere Draco and Harry will be together.
Step three: they're forced to kiss!

"Ron Weasley, this is insane."
"It'll work. Trust me."
That night, Harry looked at Ron and Draco suspiciously as Ron opted to sleep on the floor with him, saving Draco the awkwardness of waking up next to Harry. He didn't complain though.
The next morning however, Ron and Draco woke up way before Harry, and made their way to Fred and George's room. They barely knocked on the door when a tired looking George opened it.
"We have extendable ears all over... just, come in."
Draco stood at the threshold of the twins' bedroom; there were crates and boxes filled with candies, and other trinkets, a cauldron was bubbling inside a closet, half concealed by a curtain (Draco figured so that Mrs. Weasley didn't know they were brewing potions in their room), and Fred was being shaken awake by George.
"What is it Georgie? Merlin! The sun isn't even up yet! Is mum making us de-gnome the garden early?!"
George sat up and noticed his younger brother, and a gaping Draco in his bedroom.
"Blimey! What're they doing in here?"
"George, Fred, we need a favour."
"What... kind of favour?"
Draco was reluctant to tell Fred and George about his massive crush on Harry, but Ron nudged him impatiently, so he spoke.
"We need mistletoe."
"And why would you two need mistletoe? Fancy a kiss? You better not be snogging our sister, Draco."
"What? No! No, nononono..."
"Then who are you.... ohhhhh.... Ron? You and—"
"What? Draco and I aren't— whatever.. Draco, you tell them!"
George stood up from his bed immediately and started laughing his lungs out.
"What kind of joke is this?! You're telling me— you fancy— Harry Potter!! Ahahahahah!!"
Draco cocked his head to the side. Yeah it was odd, but not unbelievable! Fred looked a bit scared.
"George! Calm down you git! Draco, we'll get this mistletoe for you, but know that there's a chance you might get stuck under there with someone you don't fancy. A kiss doesn't mean *only* on the lips, it can be anywhere; cheek, forehead, whatever. So don't worry, but it's a little awkward I do say."
Draco sighed as Fred stopped talking. George finally got over himself and rummaged for a minute through a box. He handed Draco some charmed mistletoe. Ron and Draco thanked them, and went to the sitting room to hang it up in the doorway where the staircase ended.
"Happy Christmas Eve by the way Draco."
"Oh! I almost forgot what day it was!"
They went to leave, but Draco found that he couldn't move from under the doorway. He looked at Ron as his eyes widened. Hesitantly, he quickly kissed Ron on the cheek. He tried to move out of the doorway again, but it didn't work.
"Fred lied! You do need to kiss them on the mouth! I hate them, they're—"
Ron listed a bunch of unprintable words that he thought went well with the names Fred and George. Draco just stood there, panic stricken.
After Ron cooled off from his fit, Ron and Draco looked each other in the eyes for a second, afraid to make the first move. Awkwardly, Ron put his hands on Draco's shoulders and leaned in. They pressed their lips together uncomfortably, then pulled away a second after it started. They were both wiping their mouths with their sleeves.
"Yup, definitely not gay!"
Draco laughed and went back up to Ron's room, wondering what Hermoine might say if she knew that he kissed her boyfriend. Ron begged him not to tell her; not because she would be mad, but because she'd never let him forget about it. Draco didn't want to remember it either. They went back to sleep, Ron next to Harry, and Draco on Ron's bed.
    About 3 hours later, they were awoken again for breakfast. Harry was in the bathroom while Ron and Draco went downstairs, and they were careful to dodge the mistletoe in the doorway. It seemed they forgot to tell the twins where they put up the mistletoe, and they got stuck there together. They sighed dramatically (oh Fred! Oh George! My ugly king!) and kissed each other's cheek. They weren't thrilled to find out that it didn't work.
    After breakfast, they all sat in the sitting room; Ginny, Ron, Fred, George, Mrs. Weasley, Mr. Weasley (Draco, I'm glad you feel at home here he had said), Draco, Harry, Lupin and Tonks. All huddled up to the fire since the weather outside was colder than ever.
    It still hadn't snowed, and it was Christmas Eve, but Draco, Ron, Harry and the twins went outside to fly around on brooms. The air was crisp and chilled against Draco's pale face, and it reminded him of just a few days ago; when he was flying from the Malfoy Manor, looking for refuge. He was happy he landed upon the Burrow.
    Dinner passed, and everyone was still sat in the sitting room around the fire; now singing Christmas carols. Bill's face appeared in the fireplace alongside Fleur's, and they apologized for not being able to make it to the Burrow for Christmas. Charlie did the same about an hour later, saying that the dragons were a lot to handle this time of year.
    Draco held his hot cocoa, looking at Harry, who was in a very heated game of chess with Ron. At one point, Ron, not forgetting their plan, said;
"Hey Harry, I have something for you and Draco that I put in my room, I wanted it to be a surprise so you two can go get it together!"
    Harry looked at his best friend with a "why did you get me a present" look. Draco just nodded and gestured for Harry to come with him.
    Careful to walk at the same pace as Harry, they both walked into the doorway at the same time, getting stuck under the mistletoe. Ron gasped, and Draco thought he was selling it quite well.
"Draco? Why're we— oh."
    Harry laughed nervously, and Draco was now aware of everyone in the room looking at them.
"Well— we know kissing each other on the cheek won't work..."
    Draco didn't really know what to do. They hadn't planned this far. Thankfully, Fred and George egged them on.
"Come on! Kiss already you gits!"
"Yeah! Where's the action!!"
    Harry looked mortified, but also like he'd been waiting for this for a long time. After glaring at the twins for a second, Draco put one hand on Harry's shoulder and the other on his waist. Harry mirrored his actions.
    Draco didn't know who did it first but they were now mere centimetres apart. Harry moved one of his hands from Draco's shoulder to his face and cupped his cheek. Their lips finally connected.
    After it ended, both boys were a deep shade of scarlet, but refused to look anywhere but each other's eyes. Harry suddenly grabbed Draco by the wrist and pulled him up to Ron's room.
    After closing the door, Harry burst out laughing. Draco, still in shock from the kiss, had his fingers on his lips, as if he was trying to tell himself that that really happened.
"Draco— I've— I've wanted to do— do that for so long!!!"
    Harry was still laughing, while his face remained bright red.
"...what? Me too Harry!! Ahaha!!"
    They were both laughing now, and after they calmed down, Harry took Draco in his arms; hugging him tight.
"Will you be my boyfriend?"
    Harry felt Draco's body fill with excitement.
"Wha— yes!!"
    They heard the door open; it was Ron.
"About bloody time!"
    He left, as he seemingly just came in to say that.
"Happy Christmas Harry."
"It's not Christmas yet!"
    Draco pointed at the clock; it read 12:05.
"Oh, well... happy Christmas Draco."

ITS FINALLY OVER!!! Yayyyyyayayayay!!! I hope you enjoyed this story, because I put a lot of time into it!!
More oneshots will be coming soon!!

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