More Letters

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Takes place during their third year (they're 13) and it's not going to be that different than the first years one, other than Harrys the anon this time. Enjoy :)
Dear Draco,
    You don't know who I am, and I'm using a charm to change the font in which I write, so don't try to find me that way, or other, don't try and find me at all.
    I've had a crush on you since our first year here, but I'm 100% sure you hate me. I wish I could say something like this to your face, but your eyes have (as of lately) made me feel like fainting. They're quite nice if I do say so myself.
    Please write back, and don't worry about trying to find me with the owl, it knows me already.
Dear P,
    The owl your using seems to belong to Ronald Weasley. I've seen him before at the breakfast table. Please do not use him again, he's tearing apart my pillow and there's feathers everywhere. If you're friends with Weasley, I recommend ending it. He's quite rude.
    I would compliment you back, but I (unfortunately) have zero ideas as to who you are, other than "they're friends with Weasley", which isn't much, he seems to be friends with everyone.
    I narrowed down that you're in Gryffindor, and I'm surprised you like me (especially like that) because they don't seem too keen on being friends with Slytherins. Harry Potter and I have been at it for three years. I think he hates me most, despite Crabbe and Goyle being much worse than me. I'm poised, at least.
    Sorry to bring all of my "problems" to you, but you seem worthy of my trust, even if you are a Gryffindor. I heard they're brave or whatever, so I hope you are too. My life requires bravery if you want to be a part of it.
    I hope you'll be writing during the Christmas holidays, my "friends" never write, so I think I'd be nice if you did. Just tell your owl to go to the Malfoy Manor, I'll be there.
Dear Draco,
    I'm sorry to hear about your predicament with Harry Potter. He doesn't hate you, you know. He's only mean to you because you make fun of his friends (including Ron Weasley, and yes I'm friends with him). I think he feels a little bad for you.
    I am pretty brave, but I don't know if it's because I'm a Gryffindor.
    I would love to write to you during the holidays. I'm scared for you to know who I am, but I think I'd like you to know sooner rather than later. I'll tell you on Christmas. Even though I know you, I don't know you well enough to get you a present, so consider "knowing my identity" your present.
    I'll be staying at Hogwarts for Christmas, but all my friends and pretty much the whole of the Gryffindor population is going home. It's always lonely here, though my friends stayed last year.
    I saw you in class today and your hair looked good. I wish my hair would cooperate, but it kinda just does what it wants these days.
    I'll write to you soon. ;)
Dear P,
    It's now the holidays, and I had to wait to write to you since Crabbe and Goyle kept interrupting me while I was writing. They think I have a secret girlfriend.
    By the way, I never asked if you were a girl or a boy? I know you have a charm that changes your handwriting, but I feel like your a boy, I have to tell you, I'm bisexual so it doesn't really matter to me.
    I'm now at the Malfoy Manor, and it's very cold. I'm sitting at my fireplace, wrapped in a lot of blankets. I wish my mother or father would give me a hug sometime. I've never had many hugs, other than Pansy, but she's quite annoying.
    I want to know who you are, I can't wait until Christmas. I promise I won't be mad no matter who you are. I could come back early from my house if you want.
    Have a happy Christmas P. <3
Dear Draco,
    Happy Christmas! I'm going to tell you who I am in this letter but please don't skip to that part. I want you to know first that it's okay if you don't like me like this, as I said, I'm 100% sure you hate me.
    I'm Harry Potter.
    I hope this doesn't change the way you feel towards me. I really like you Draco.
Dear Harry,
    I'm coming to Hogwarts early. Meet me on December 31st at 9pm on the astronomy tower.
    Sorry for the short note.
    I'm not mad. I like you too.
-Draco x
Harry's POV:
    I sat on the astronomy tower, waiting for Draco Malfoy, though I never thought I'd say something like that. I've liked him since I first saw him at Madame Malkins, and I've felt the same way towards him ever since.
    I checked my wristwatch; it's 9pm. As soon as it hit 9:01, I heard the door open behind me. It was Draco, bundled up in a jacket and two scarves, much like myself. He sat down next to me on the stone floor, then turned his body towards me. I got quite nervous, so I let him talk.
"Happy New Year's Eve Harry."
"Um. Happy New Year's Eve Draco."
    We laid down next to each other, talking. He was quite easy to talk to, and by around 10pm, we were holding hands, both having taken off our gloves just for the occasion. My watch beeped as the clock struck midnight, and Draco sat up. I did the same. We turned towards each other.
"Yes Draco?"
"Can I?"
"Can you what?"
"Can I kiss you Harry?"
    Words were stuck in my throat, so I simply nodded. We kissed for about three to five seconds (though it felt like a million years), and he broke apart, smiling.
    I took him to the Gryffindor dormitories. It was too cold to be alone.

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