The Cruciatus Curse

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Ok so this isn't gonna be a series, but it's gonna be a sort of trilogy sorta thing with the Unforgivable curses, with no relations to each other. Aight?

"Katie, are you alright?"
    She smiled sadly at him, though Katie Bell looked like she hadn't been cursed at all.
"I know what you're going to ask me Harry, but I don't know who cursed me. I've been trying to remember—really—but I just can't. Sorry."
    Angelina Johnson came and ushered Katie away to go eat, and as Harry turned to walk back to Hermione and Ron, he saw none other than Draco Malfoy, walking into the great hall, looking freakishly pale, and like he hadn't eaten in days, maybe weeks.
    Harry had been watching Draco via the Marauders Map since the start of term, thinking he's up to something evil, but a tinge of empathy still sits at the bottom of his stomach whenever he looks at Draco.
    Halfway to his destination, Draco notices Harry's gaze, and instantly knows that he ought not to sit down. Looking frightened—he hasn't been able to stop his emotions from showing lately—he turns around and walks back out of the great hall.
    Tears threaten to fall from Draco's eyes as he makes long strides down the corridors of Hogwarts, suddenly grateful that he's taller than Harry so he can out-walk him. He knows he's being followed, but his mind isn't working properly. He walks up to the prefects bathroom and practically yells the password for all of Hogwarts—for Harry—to hear. He isn't sure he cares that he's being followed.
    He takes off his sweater vest and leans over a basin, turning on the faucet and splashing his face with ice cold water. He lets the tears fall now, and at that moment, he isn't sure if they'll ever stop. Moments feel like hours until Harry shows up, obviously surprised that Draco just yelled out the password. They both knew that he's get in trouble for that.
"I know what you did Malfoy."
    Draco thought of reasoning with him, of getting Harry to help him with his mission, or possibly, knowing Harry, helping him rid of it.
    Without thinking—not noticing that Harry's hand was nowhere near his wand—he pointed his wand at Harry.
    Harry's hand flew to his pocket containing his wand, but the curse hit him right in the chest, knocking him backwards. Expecting extreme pain, Harry was shocked to feel nothing but a strong tingling sensation in his body. Nothing like the real cruciatus curse.
    Draco, defeated and sensitive, fell to his knees and started sobbing uncontrollably, yelling out incoherent apologies about Katie and the necklace. The feeble curse on Harry dropped as he briefly remembered his fight with Bellatrix Lestrange a year prior;
You have to mean them Potter!
    It dawned on Harry that Draco didn't mean the curse. Doesn't Malfoy hate me? He thought, he would love to torture me! Why didn't his curse work? Why is he acting like this? He's normally so stuck up and egotistical!
    His hero complex seemed to take over as he cautiously walked over to Draco, whimpering and shaking on the floor. He knelt down in front of him and laid a hand on his thin shoulder. He could feel the extreme coldness of his skin through his white dress shirt. Though Draco didn't dare look up, he simply said;
"It didn't work."
    Harry chuckled a little, and took his hand off of Draco's shoulder. He wasn't sure if it was allowed. The feeling of empathy for Draco worsened, but Harry didn't identify it as empathy. It was something else.
"Your aunt told me last year, you've got to mean them. Considering how much you hate me, I'm surprised I'm not the one crying on the floor."
"So quick witted Potter."
"What? It's true!"
"Alright alright... my mother always said that she thought our fights were like an old married couple's. I don't say I agree with her."
"I don't. That's more like Ron and Hermione if you ask me. Sort of a love-hate thing."
    When Harry said the word "love", the feeling in his stomach deepened. Unbeknownst to Harry, however, is that Draco's stomach had that same feeling, though he was staring at his knees.
    It seemed like Draco was out of his mind today, because he suddenly blurted out;
"I don't hate you Potter, I just—"
    He stopped mid sentence, because he didn't know what he was. Jealous? Envious? He didn't know. He just didn't hate Harry. And that was about all he knew at the moment.
"You just what, Malfoy?"
"I just... i just— want to know what love feels like. You have that! I know it seems on the outside that my mother and father love me but they don't! No one does! I'm not jealous of your fame or whatever, I just want to know what it feels like to be loved! Is that too much to ask?"
    Draco could feel Harry's gaze upon him, though unsure what kind. He thought Harry was going to laugh, but instead, he spoke to Draco, smoothly and slowly.
"Ma—Draco, I'm going to tell you something that I think will surprise you, and that I've literally just figured out right this moment. You don't know what it feels like to be loved, but... Draco— ever since term started, I've been watching you through a special map I have. I didn't know it at the time, but I was worried about you, concerned when you didn't eat during meal times or didn't show up to classes. I've been properly obsessed with what you've been up to since our second year! You say that you don't know what it feels like to be loved, but Draco... I... I love you. And I think I have for a while, but I just... didn't know it... or maybe denied it? I'm not sure, but I am sure, that I'm completely and utterly in love with you, and I want you to know what that feels like."
    Draco wanted nothing more than to look into Harry's eyes, but he didn't know what he felt. The feeling in his stomach was foreign, though he had felt it before. Racking his brain, and going through all the times he had felt this feeling, Harry's face kept popping up. Arguments with him sprouted this feeling, and he guessed it was hatred. Though he's felt hatred... towards his father... towards Snape... he liked the feeling in his stomach, here with Harry, though he had no words to describe what he felt emotionally. He decided instead to describe what he felt, physically.
"Pot—Harry, do you have this... tightness in your stomach? Sort of like... a sick feeling, but in a good way? I don't know how to describe... it feels like my stomach is going to explode, but still in a good way. What—?"
    Harry had put his hand under Draco's chin and pulled his face upwards. They were now staring into each other's eyes, and the feeling in both of their stomachs was getting worse and worse. Draco was almost sure his stomach was going to explode.
    Harry said. Both of them couldn't think, and Draco was speechless. He wanted to keep staring into Harry's brilliantly green eyes forever, but he also wanted to never see him again. His tear stained face was saddening to Harry, and as new ones formed and fell onto Draco's reddening cheeks, he lifted up his hand and swiped it away with his thumb.
    Harry had no time to rethink what he was about to do, when he was suddenly leaning into Draco's face. Almost expecting him to get up and storm out of the bathroom, their lips met. Draco's lips were ice cold against Harry's warm ones, but neither of them cared. Drunk on the feeling in his stomach, Draco's hands met the sides of Harry's face and deepened the kiss, both boys tasting the other.
    Draco tasted of green apples and candy, while Harry tasted of treacle tart and butterbeer. They kissed until they were both gasping for air.
    Looking into each other eyes for a moment, they both eventually burst into a fit of laughter—not really aware of what they were laughing at.
"I've wanted to do that for so long without even knowing it!"
    Harry said between laughs and gasps for air. They were both in a sort of dreamlike state, still surprised that they'd end up in a situation like this.
Oh how I can't wait to NOT tell father about this... Draco thought.

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