"You're alright, Okay? I'll get Annora. You'll be fine just hold on for me." He cooed at her, glancing across the courtyard to see Annora locked into battle with her own sister.

Melonie nodded at him, coughing up blood while her body made timely convulsions. Using all the strength she could muster, she placed her hand against the hand Elias had pressed to her wound.

"E-li..." she tried to say, her teeth stained red as the overflow of blood escaped from her mouth.

"I know." He nodded knowingly. He knew she was trying to say that she loved him and that she was sorry she couldn't protect him.

His eyes softened as he stared into hers, unable to form a proper sentence. "It's okay. Thank you, for everything."

Her mouth upturned into a slight smile as she removed her bloody hand from her wound, caressing the side of his face lovingly before it fell limply to her side, her eyes still open as she peered into the abyss that is death.

Setting her lightly onto the snow, Elias held back tears as he wiped the blood from his cheek.

"You are pathetic." Baltazaar laughed. "I'll have to tell Emma you had another lover. Maybe that will cushion the reality of your death."

Elias caught his clawed hand before it could strike him, using his atypical strength to snap it like a twig.

Groaning in agony, Baltazaar stumbled backwards as his hand dangled dangerously from his wrist; broken.

"This is the second time you've murdered someone dare to me." Elias raged.

"And it wont be the last." Baltazaar smirked.

Speeding over to him, Elias raked his fingernails across his neck and sent Baltazaar staggering backwards, falling to his knees as he clutched his throat, trying not to choke on his own blood.

Flashing the blood from his hands, Elias licked his fingers before spitting it infront of him.

"You're not even palatable to taste." He spat.

As the vampire was about to deal the finishing blow, his body froze, unable to move as Zelda made her way pass him.

"I'm sorry, Elias. But I can't let you do that." she said, rushing to Baltazaar's side.

Elias thought Zelda's timing could not have been more terrible as frustration and worry grew inside him. Why had she arrived at such a dire time in his battle? Had she defeated Annora and would now be teaming up with Baltazaar against him?

The werewolf flashed her off as his throat healed, his golden eyes glowing dangerously as he rose to his feet.

"I'm going to revel in killing you." Baltazaar said, his voice sounding more like a growl than actual words.

"Wait, Baltazaar! I thought we agreed you wouldn't transform here?!" Zelda reasoned with him.

"Shut up!" He growled at her as his body began to enlarge.

"If something happens to you in that state..." She tried to say but despite his closeness, he was no longer in earshot.

Baltazaar's ears seemed to stretch while his mouth grew into a long snout, his muscles swelling and tearing through his linen shirt as gray fur appeared to sprout from his skin. His hands extended into longer claws while his legs and feet strengthened to turn into wolf paws, bursting out of his once baggie trousers.

Elias stared in horror at the hairy, gray monster, unrecognizable by his wolf-like features as he let out a loud howl, sending shivers through the entire courtyard who were still apparently locked in battle.

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