Transferieo curseo

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Harry cautiously walked into the infirmary. There weren't any students in there luckily for Harry. He didn't really want any of his inquiries to Madam Pomfrey to be overheard by students and twisted into some rumor about how Professor Trelawney's predictions about Harry's death were probably going to finally come true.

" Madam Pomfrey?" Harry cautiously called not wanting to irritate Madam Pomfrey. He would need her in a good mood to make sure she would answer his questions to her full ability. "Madam Pomfrey?"

"Ah. Mr. Potter. Why does it seem that your presence graces this hospital wing more than most other students? Do you go looking for trouble?" Madam Pomfrey had come into the room from her office, obviously under the impression that Harry was once again hurt. Harry blushed a little, knowing that her comment was true; he was in here quite a bit.

"Actually, ma'am, trouble usually finds me." He got a smile and a chuckle " but  I'm not hurt or anything, I was just wondering if you could answer a medical question I have...for Muggle Studies." He added that last part quickly as to avoid any questions or sweetened up answers that might have occurred if she thought that Harry knew someone in the situation he was about to bring up. But he needed the truth, and if that involved a few white lies, then that was fine with him. "I've already looked through books in the library, but they don't seem to have the information I need. I was wondering if you knew anything about terminal illnesses, like cancer. Is there a cure, because I've never heard of any wizard inflicted with it?" He lied again."Well dear, I do know a bit about that area. Let me see," she spoke over her shoulder as she began to magically clean the bed sheets and do other little chores around the Hospital Wing. "The reason that you never hear of wizards having cancer is because they rarely ever get it. Cancer is a Muggle disease that isn't contracted by wizards. Only very few severely unlucky ones. There is no magical cure for cancer because wizards rarely get it so we've never had the need for it." "There's no spell or anything for it then?" Harry said half panicked, half sinking into depression. His stomach was flipping all around. Now what could he do?
"Well, dear, let me finish. There was a spell long ago that a wizard invented to save his Father was who couriously came down with it very uncommon for wizards . It was only used a few times before it was generally decided not to be used again." "But why would they outlaw a spell that was doing good?" Harry asked. "I never said outlaw, they never made a law against it just in case they ever found a situation where it would be necessary, but it just dropped out of use. You see it didn't actually cure the cancer, but instead, transferred it from one body to another. The one to do the spell had to take on the cancer themselves. The spell could only be performed on the cancer once, so it couldn't just be transferred around so nobody dies from it. The wizard or witch who performed the spell would have to take it on themselves."
Was it easier for the person to take it on themselves? Would the magic save them is some way" knowing the answer. "No, dear. Every one of the few people who tried the spell died from the disease, but it did have strange effects on them. Apparently, the cancer mixed with magic did very strange things to the wizard and their magic, I'm not quite sure what exactly, but I've heard that no two were alike." Madam Pomfrey had been getting readily more excited about the conversation, apparently pleasantly surprised that a student would take such interest in medicine. She suddenly gasped. "Oh my, you know what? I think I may actually have a copy of that spell somewhere!" She quickly went into her office and came out with an old book. She flipped through a few pages and landed on one with the title "Transferieo curseo" She flicked her wand and murmured "Copius" and a piece of paper appeared in her hand with the page copied onto it. "Ah yes, here it is. I hope this will be helpful with your report dear." She handed him the paper looking thoroughly pleased with herself. Harry took the paper, in a bit of a state of shock. " . Thanks ma'am, this should get me full marks." He smiled the best he could and walked out towards the dorm, forgetting all about dinner.

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