The Artist hanged loop

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Education kill artists, they literally walk over the art. The art that they don't get, the art that is not related to education or the books, textbooks and syllabus.
It's like study study study, leave the art behind cos they are a good hobby not profession.... then earn a lot of money.
Like loads and loads of it, then what go for therapy for your mental peace and they ask you to go back to the art that you left. It is a loop, the artist hanged loop.
So, why the education made us leave it for the first time.
I used to be a national level Karate player and a poet, now I'm just a college graduate.
I did left art for education and got in to the best university but that cost me much more than I gained.
Well I realised this loop sooner, but most people take a good amount of time and multiple sessions of therapy.

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