{ ~ }

"What do you mean he called you? What did he say?" Harsh demanded, asking her a series of questions, one after another.

"He didn't say anything, except for my name."

"What do you mean?" Harsh raised an eyebrow, a strange look on his face. With a start, Radhika realized that it was suspicion.

"I mean what I mean," Radhika said, firmly. "He didn't tell anything except that."

"Of course he did," Harsh scoffed.

Radhika narrowed her eyes at him. "What do you mean by that?"

"Look, Radhika, I know what love is. Krish used to look at you the same way I looked at you, love filled in them. He looked at you longingly, as if you were something that would make him tremendously happy, but something that was always out of his reach."

Radhika blinked her eyes in surprise. "What?!"

"And you are telling me he didn't tell you anything when he was the one who called you?" Harsh asked, then let out a bitter laugh. "Yeah, right."

"He didn't! Why are you doubting me?"

"You once loved him too," Harsh continued. "You told me you loved him. But I feel as if it's not loved, but love."

Radhika shook her head at her boyfriend's skeptical questions.

"You still love him. And something tells me that he loves you too."

"I doubt it," she muttered under her breath, so quiet that only she would be able to hear herself.

"So how am I supposed to believe that he called you and didn't tell you anything?"

Radhika shook her head. "Are you actually doubting me? And doubting what I say?"

She expected him to say, no, but instead he replied with, "What you are saying doesn't seem believable to me."

She stared at him, shocked. She knew what she had to say, as an answer to him, but she thought over in her head: will this be worth it? Her gut seemed to scream: yes! And so, she went with her gut.

"Relationships are founded on trust," She began, then glanced at him. "And clearly you aren't trusting me."

Harsh furrowed his eyebrows. "Tell me what you mean to say."

"What I mean to say is that I cannot be in a relationship with someone who constantly doubts me and doesn't trust me." Radhika deadpanned. 

"Are you...breaking up with me?" 

"Yes, yes I am," she replied, her voice monotonous, her face expressionless. 

Harsh looked flabbergasted, but Radhika could make out what was on his face. It seemed as if he thought all this was her fault. "B-But-!" 

"B-But what?" She asked. "There is nothing left to do. So, maybe it's time you head out." 

{ ~ }

Krish splashed water on his face. He looked at his sunken eyes and stubble, a sight of disaster, and wiped the water off with a towel. 

He then proceeded to slip on his clothes and pulled up his phone, checking to see if he got any messages. He got one from his friend, the director. 

He had sent: 'Are you coming today?'

Krish answered with an affirmative reply: 'Yes.'

Biting a sandwich he had hurriedly prepared, Krish pushed his phone down his pocket, took his keys and walked out of his home. He locked the door then went to his car. 

The ride to the studio was eerily quiet, giving him a strong sense of déjà vu. He shook his head, thinking he was going crazy, and parked his car. 

Then he got out, locked the car, and made his way towards the inside of the studio. He walked in, searching for his friend. People were fixing lights, some checking on the cameras, others making sure all the props were in the right places. 

Krish stopped a fellow technician and asked him, "Is Mr Abhay here?" 

The technician stopped and looked at him. "You are Mr. Krish right?" 

He nodded. 

"Please wait for some time, he went out and will shortly be back," the technician replied.

Krish nodded again. He sat down on a chair in the studio and looked at his phone, but the place was a bit stuffy so he decided to go outside and get some fresh air. He walked out and took a deep breath of the air, slightly squinting because of the bright sun when he noticed a figure getting out of a car. 

His eyes widened as he prayed that it wouldn't be her, but when she turned around and began to walk towards the studio, scrolling through her phone, Krish knew that it was her. 


He quickly tried to move before she saw him, but it was too late. She had seen him and she had the same expression of shock and surprise in her eyes which Krish had too. 

She immediately began to rush towards him as he desperately looked for places to hide in. 

"Krishn?" She asked, as he looked at anywhere but her. 

Even in that state, his heart took note that she had called him Krishn, whether it came out unknowingly or purposefully, he did not know, but the word made him feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Radhika sighed and folded her arms. "We are in front of each other now, Krish. You can't cut the call in reality," she said. 

That made him wince. She was clearly referring to his cowardly attempt at a call to her, which happened yesterday. 

"Krish, what are you-" she began when he looked at the director, his friend, steadily approaching both of them. 

"Ahh, Krish and Radhika! Glad to see both of you here!" Abhay remarked with a grin on his face. 

Radhika erased all the emotions on her face and plastered a smile as she turned and shook his hand. "Pleased to meet you, Abhay," she said, glaring at Krish from her peripheral. 

Thank gods for the director, Krish thought in his mind.

{ ~ }

Hey thereee! 

How was this chapter?

Also, if you have time then I would really appreciate it if you checked out my new book, Kingdom of Hearts! 

I hope y'all liked this chapter, and I'll see you in the next one!

Bye till thennnnnnn ❤️

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