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Radhika smiled. What was she doing at the moment? Well, she was looking through old pictures. Her mom had sent so many old photos of her. Radhika was quietly scrolling through these pictures.

The sound of the technicians fixing things up seemed to be far away as Radhika surveyed the photos. She was aware that Krish had just walked in.

He made his way towards her. "Hey, Radha," He said.

She noticed the nickname again. "Hello, Krish," she mumbled and continued to swipe through images on her phone.

Krish peered at her. "What is that?" He asked.

"Old pictures of...um, us and others. Mumma sent," Radhika replied

"Let me see!" He exclaimed and leaned forwards, placing his head on her shoulder, the close proximity making her blush.

"I—um, yeah," she stammered. She showed him a photo. It was the both of them when they were about five.

Krish smiled. "Those were the days, Radha," he said.

She could feel his breath against her neck and that made her blush even more. What is happening to me? "Yes," she quietly said and swiped.

The next photo was Dau, Krish's brother, Krish himself and Radhika. She faintly smiled. Back in the day, everyone used to call them the Holy Trinity. The trio always stuck together. Revati used to be Radhika's friend even before she began to date Dau.

"Aww, look at cute little Radhika!" Krish cooed. "With tiny, tiny hands and short hair!"

Radhika rolled her eyes but nevertheless smiled. "I'm not the only one!" She pointed to little Krish in the photo. "The noodles head still remains!" She pushed away one of his curls as he stuck his tongue out at him.

"Haha," Krish replied, with quite a tinge of sarcasm.

Radhika laughed and swiped for the next photo. Then she took a deep breath. This one...she still remembered that day. The photo was of Krish and Radhika, who were maybe ten, dressed up as Radha and Krishna. If she remembered correctly, that was for a fancy dress competition at their school. They both hadn't won anything but enjoyed their time together.

"Oh..." Krish trailed. "Um, wow, that was so long ago. Like what, fourteen years?"

"Yeah," Radhika replied. She slowly looked up at him, his chin still on her shoulder. She could feel his curly hair tickling her neck. He could smell the scent of her hair.

"Shot ready!" Came the director voice's, breaking them out of their trance.

Krish cleared his throat and moved away from her. "We-we should go," he mumbled.

"I...yes," Radhika agreed as she switched off her phone and set it down.

{ ~ }

They were ten months into their shoot at this point. Krish and Radhika were getting along with each other comfortably well. Though she was still confused about her feelings for him, she knew that he was a good friend. And she wasn't willing to lose someone like that because it would be so hard for anyone else to fill their place again. Krish was puzzled as to why his heart raced for her. He wished it wasn't like what once happened to him.

"Come on, get in," Krish said.

Radhika nodded. She was traveling in his car after months. Ever since the last incident that had happened around four to five months ago, she hadn't come to his car. But he had offered to drop her today and she didn't feel like saying no.

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