Chapter 16- Running

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Hey my fans!! Here's the next chapter!

***chapter 16****

I was still laughing at Ryan. "It's funny I got you in trouble and saved your but, did you learn your lesson?"

He looks at me and smirks "probably not, so you better watch your back"

I smirk and stand up. He looks at me wearily. I walk over to him and push him with all my strength to the floor. He was taken back and in shock. In the time I bolted out side. I needed a run anyways. I shifted into my brown wolf and took off.

Not to long later I heard him behind me. Haha I don't have as much speed. I'm strongest and fastest in my colorful form but I don't want to shift into that one so I stayed brown.

I picked up my pace and started running faster. I got my Wolf to go fast enough to where he couldn't see me so I did a quick turn. I would end up behind him. I slowed my pace and made my steps completely silent.

He kept running forwards looking around for me. I picked up my pace and tackled him to the ground. He let out a surprised yelp. I roll off often I tackled him. His face landed in a mud pile and huffed. I was on the ground rolling around and laughing.

We got both got up and looked at each other.

:truce?: I say

:i agree truce: he says

I nod. We walk side by side to a clearing and lay down. We both drift to sleep.

I get woken up by a twig snapping. My head shoots up with my ears perked. Ryan was still sleeping. I look around but I don't see anyone. I sniff the air and smell nothing. I just shrug it off and fall back asleep.

This time being woken up it was by a low soft growl. I shot up on my paws. Ryan again was still sleeping. I look around and see we're surrounded by wolves. I sniff the air. There all rouges. Just great. I growl lowly, telling them messing with me isn't a good idea. Ryan shoots up at my growl. He looks alarmed by us being surrounded by wolves.

He realizes that there all rouge and he also growls lowly. A dusty brown wolf steps forward and mind links me.

:un guessing your the Alpha sir:

Ugh I hate being mistaken as a male. But it had its advantages.

:yes I am the Alpha of this pack but I am not a male, I am a female and I don't think it is wise to attack, your underestimating me.:

:right, we are just look for one female wolf in particular. She's colorful.:

I growl.

:I'm guessing you no her?:

I stand to my full height and charge for him. All thee others charge at us. The leader backs up and stays behind while he thinks his wolves will take care of us.

Ryan was faces 3 wolves at once while I was fighting the last 5. I may be strong but I'm not at full potential unless I'm my colorful wolf. I kill one of them and start for the others. I really could only defend myself. I get bit in the hind leg and have a slight whimper in pain. In that time they jumped on me.

Ryan was facing 3 wolves still and didnt notice me get hurt and jumped on. He was to distracted but that's ok. Now how am I going to get out of this? They start biting me over and over again. Scratching my back and I am now loosing a lot of blood.

I couldn't get out of this Unless I changed so I did what was best. I changed. My wolf was in rage and I let her out some. I throw them off of me and they look surprised by me. I look at the leader and he also looks shocked but also has a evil glimmer in his eye. He probably thinks he is going to win.

They go for the attack again and I growl. All start seeing red but I stay mostly in control. I attack and kill the 4 wolves I was against. I run and kill 2 of them Ryan was against and he kills the last one. As he did that I took off in the direction the leader went. I ran as fast as I could. I was still loosing blood but not as bad. I gave up after I while cause I did not find him.

I go back to Ryan and say nothing I just make a motion with my head saying follow me. He follows but has a little trouble keeping up. I wasn't even going as fast as I could.

Wen I got to the pack house I busted the front door open and see Jayden looking at me worriedly. I was covered in blood mine and the rouges. I shifted even tho it hurts. I then said,

"We were attacked we need to make more patrols, better security, and look for the leader that got away. Let's start now."

Jayden looks shocked but starts following me to the war tactics room. Let's get started...


Well here it is. Let's see what the plan next. :)

Have fun



And fan!

~ Gauge <3

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