Chapter 12- meeting the brothers

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Hey guys well I hope you like this chapter soooo enjoy!

***********Chapter 12*************

(Lillian's pov)

I stood there shocked. I couldn't actually believe we found them! (More like Jayden found them.) That there even alive. I was soo happy and I really wanted to meet them. I mean I knew them when I was little but cmon that was years ago.

They have changed I bet. I wonder if they have mates? Or if they will even remember me. I just couldn't wait to see them. Wait where are they though. I know I am in Florida but are they even in this state? I really miss them but if they have changed which I am sure they have since there both now 17 not kids anymore. Yes there a year older then me.

Once I finally snaped out of it I looked at Jayden and asked,

"Where are they?"

"There in california but we got them plane tickets and they should be here tomorrow cause there plane leaves really early. We could not get a flight today they were all full."

"It's fine at least I will get to see them. YAY I am sooo happy. Do they remember me?"

"Yes they remember you. They said that they have been looking for you for years and thought you died or got killed with your pack. When I told them two why I was calling they told me hold on and I heard them put down the phone and I swear they squealed like little girls. I even heard the jumping up and down."

"Wow, well I am glad they at leadt looked for me but I can't say they same for them." I looked down trying to hold back tears.

Don't cry! You never cry do not show weakness. You are an Alpha female and a very strong wolf. You are not weak! I scold myself. I push the tears away sit up straighter and look Jayden in the eyes not scared at all. He looked a little surprised by my actions but shaked it off.

"Well you were being hunted for years so you couldn't search for them. Its ok they won't be mad. I told them what you have been through and they completely understood. I even told them about your change but they already knew that would happen sometime."

I nod my head and then I say,

"Well I am going to go shopping for clothes."

"But you just went the other day for school and stuff. You should have plenty of clothes."

"Yea but a girl can never have to many or enough clothes. We go shopping a lot and love to buy things. Even Tom-girls and pranksters like me."

I smile at him then grab my motorcycle keys and start to leave. Right before I pull out of the drive way I hear Jayden yell,

"Becarefull and call me if you need me!!"

I look at him and nod letting him know I heard him but without having to yell. I leave and head to the mall for a shopping spree. I am guessing you have noticed I have no girl friends with me and that I am alone. I am used to shopping alone but once school start that won't be for long.

I was a little nervous for school I haven't been there for years but I do know everything they know. I had to teach myself but it wasn't that bad. At least I won't have to be all confused and try to learn everything super fast and catch up. We will have to catch up on the first couple of weeke we missed school though.

We don't have to worry about getting in trouble though cause 75% of the school is werewolves. The last 25% are humans. All the teachers are wolves to. So is our princible so we told him the treuth and we don't get in trouble but even if I did I wouldn't cause of Jayden.

The Rouge and the Alpha (on hold)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora