Chapter 8-The Fight, Rescue, and Change

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Hey guys enjoy the story. Also this chapter has a lot of mind link so sorry if it is confusing but I will do my best so it is not confusing.

********************Chapter 8********************

                                                    (Lillian's Pov)

I ran for two hours but that didn't tire me out like usual. Thank you training. Once I get to the pack house I   smell for Jaydens sent. It shouldn't be that hard cause he is my mate so it is easier to find. It was harder then I expected but it has beem two weeks since he was here. 

Once I finally found his sent I howled. To let any one know that I am on my way and I am getting revenge. That they will regret what they did and I am not afraid. I start following the sent but it is very weak. I follow the sent for about an hour and then I see paw prints. I stopped and sniff the air but only find Jaydens.

They probably hid there sent. I keep following the prints and scent. After a while the paw prints dissapear. They are very stealthy I think. I have been following the senct for a while now maybe 6 miles. I turn my walk into a jog, wanting to get there faster. I then rememebr I forgot to leave someone in charge, so I mind link Jace and Jason.

:Hey guys:

:Lillian where are you? We can't find you: They asked worried

:I'm fine I just have pack buisness to take care of but I need you two to do somthing for me:

:We can do anything:

:OK, well I need you two to take care of the pack while I am gone. I don't know when I am coming back or if I am coming back but most likely I am. I just need you two watch them until you see me walk on to the territory ok?:

:Whta do you me you don't know whe your coming back? Or that you may not come back? And of course we can watch the pack but where are you?

:I don't exacly know where I am going but it is something I need to do, Don't worry. I wil talk to you later bye!:


Once I am focused back on the trail I go back to a fast walk wanting to save my energy for the fight knowing I am going to have to fight a lot of wolves but I hope not to many. They will think I am an Alpha make at first until they sniff the air and know I am a female. I can't wait to see there reactions. 

The packs reaction was aww, envy, inspiration, and happiness. I am very happy  get to be that packs Alpha for a little while but then a Alpha female. I have a feeling they will still look up to me though. I shake my head needing to focus on what's going on now and what will happen once I find where they are hinding.

I mind link Jayden to see if he knows how many wolves there are.

:Jayden ?:

:Lillian thank god you are talking to me. The rouges heard your howl they don't know if its for them or not but there getting ready just incase it is. Also they have a lot of hiding spots and are very stealthy and sneaky. I hope you didn't come by yourself you won't beable to take them on. And how did you learn how to howl like a male Alpha I mean it had so much authority and power in it?:

:Yes I came alone but don't worry I look as big as a male Alpha cause of my training. I have grown. Taking care of the pack has givin me more authoruty then when I didn't have a pack and the training has helped with that to. Also how many rouges are there?:

:There is about 150, and that is amazing but you still should not be by yourself there are just to many:

:I will be fine and thnx for telling me. Now I have to go. Bye:

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