15. Meet Your Maker

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"the aircraft was sent crashing to its doom in the water"

death, destruction, or some other terrible fate.


My eyes opened and I realized that I stood in a large room, the interior neat but dark, ominously taunting me. I crossed my arms over my chest as a means of comforting myself, adventuring this new area alone and in silence.

As I kept walking forward, I noticed a large staircase leading upwards. Being the curious girl I was, I made my way up to the top, jogging with every step I took.

When I got over the large steps, I had seen two thrones sitting symmetrically to straddle the middle of each side of the room. I walked over to the more feminine looking one, my hands running over the lining and jewels.

"I see you've already found your newest accessory," a deep voice sounded out, amusement lacing his tone. I turned around and scouted the room, seeing I was the only one here.

"Oh, you won't be able to find me. Not for awhile at least," he chuckled darkly. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists.

"I know I'm having another vision, so help the both of us out and show yourself!" I yelled, my voice echoing.

"Mare, this is why I chose you. You're brave, outgoing, kind, considerate, strong, a good leader. Most importantly, you spare the most important things in this game." He said as if he had known me for years.

"And what's that?" I placed my hands on my hips defiantly.

"You don't kill pigs. You won't even eat the pork that your— friends —slaughtered and cooked. That's proof that you have a good heart," he said his thirteenth word with hatred. I bit my lip and looked around the room again, thinking I'd be able to see something this time.

"How about I help you out? Give you a little hint. Will that make you feel more safe?" He teased, a smile evident in his voice.

"Nothing you say or do will make me feel safe until I know who you are and why you're doing this to me and my friends," I barked out, tired of playing his stupid game.

"You will know in due time. How about we take one little step at a time?" He spoke slower with every word, each vowel rolling off his tongue effortlessly. My vision went blurry and the colours bled into each other before it all cleared up again.

"This is the bathroom. A luxurious bathtub, shower, vanity. The fluffiest towels a girl could wish for. Go ahead and feel them," he pressed on, presumably awaiting my every move. I hesitated at first, but complied after a few more seconds of contemplating.

"Attagirl. You see? Wasn't so bad to just trust me," he laughed gently.

"For now," I snorted, a roll of my eyes to accompany my displeased look. I heard him sigh, telling me that he was growing impatient. Just what I wanted.

"You know, Mare, I've been wanting to get you to join this little game for awhile. I never got my hands on you. I was too afraid I would pair you up with the wrong people and you'd fail. I tried to pair you with who I thought would help you the most. It seems I was... wrong," he growled out, a dismayed expression heard through his pitch.

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