7. Side Quest below the Stars

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"I bear no malice toward anybody"

the intention or desire to do evil; ill will.


We awoke to a loud bang from outside, causing us to gear up quickly and make our way outside. We had seen that it was nothing to worry about, Solace just broke the pen.

"Thanks for the wake up call, boy," I smiled and rubbed his leg comfortingly, not bothered by it at all.

"Can you please control your animal, Y/N." Illumina said, very annoyed by my pet's way of starting the day.

"You're just mad because her 'animal' gets more attention from her than you do," George taunted him with a light snicker, causing Illumina to burn up.

"I'M NOT JEALOUS!" Illumina yelled and Sapnap decided to join in.

"No one said you were jealous but you..."

"I- SHUT IT!" Illumina got flustered.

"Woah, do you have a thing for Mare?" Dream wrapped an arm around Illumina's shoulders and smirked.

"Why would he have a crush on me? We're best friends, and he's always so mean to me," I laughed it off.

"Who wouldn't have a crush on you, Mare? You're so awesome and brave and cool!" Bad said with a cute smile. I patted his head and pinched his cheek softly.

"Thank you, Bad," I grinned. "Now, enough joking around boys. We need to escape this pixelated hell and we need to escape now!"

I climbed onto Solace and helped George up as well. Solace didn't trust anyone else to hold his reigns but me, but I could let one other person on with me. Bad took Night while Dream and Illumina walked with Sapnap complaining the whole time.

George rested his head on my shoulder, his face buried in my neck. I let one hand leave Solace's reigns to play with George's hair which he very much enjoyed. It was so soft and such a pretty shade of brown.

Dream kept an eye out for the lava pool that had our unlit portals while Illumina gave George small jealous glances here and there. I pretended not to notice as I didn't want to start a fight.

"Uh- guys, we have a problem..." Dream mumbled as we all caught up to him.

"What in the hell happened here..." Illumina said, confused. The portals were broken and the lava pool had been covered over in obsidian. Someone sabotaged us.

"Guys, I don't think we're alone here." I whispered, scared that someone would hear me.

"But the book said there was only six of us!" Bad argued.

"Maybe it's the person who wrote the book that's messing with us!" Sapnap suggested.

"That makes sense, actually. They would be the only person to have access to where we've been." George spoke up.

"What if they're watching us right now?" Dream suggested.

"They must have put us in that bedrock cage with the parkour course!" Illumina said.

"And they made a gust of wind push me from jumping into Dream's arms! And when I respawned the biome had changed!" I mentioned.

"Well we're going to need to be more careful and plan things out precisely." Illumina said.

"Yeah, you're right. Lets head underground to find more supplies and possibly lava." Bad said.

"Sounds good, let's split into four and two. Bad, Dream, Illumina and Sapnap will go mining while George and I stay up here and make sure the animals are okay. 'S that okay?" I asked, pushing my fear aside and stepping up into my role as leader.

"Why does George get to stay with you-" Illumina groaned out.

"Yeah, I wanna stay and be lazy- OH HE'S JEALOUS- OW!" Sapnap yelled as Dream punched his arm and told him to start mining. George just laughed at the two upset boys as he brushed Night's mane with his fingers.

After a while of mining a staircase, Sapnap fell down a hole and ended up in a ravine, luckily being saved by water.

"I'm okay! Don't worry!" He hollered up, eliciting the other three to jump down the hole after him. I turned to George and smiled.

"While they're going on an exciting adventure, we should take the animals and look for some chickens and cows. We can get food and make some book and quills. How does that sound?" I spoke as I climbed on top of Solace.

"Great! I mean- sounds cool- I guess... So, why do we need book and quills?" He stuttered, not wanting to sound too excited.

"Well I was thinking, if there is someone in control of all this who's watching us, then maybe we can communicate important details by passing notes!" I grinned as the two animals started to strut north of the hole that the four boys made.

"That's really smart, Y/N- sorry! I meant Mare-" he said as he quickly corrected himself.

"You can call me whatever you want, don't sweat it!" I winked and we continued to wander in comfortable silence.

"Look!" I pointed as we came across a herd of chickens, pigs, cows and sheep.

"Look at all that food!" George cheered as he slid off Night and ran over, sword ready to swing. I jumped off of Solace and ran over, slaughtering all animals except for the pigs of course.

I turned away from George who took care of the pigs, and I told him that Solace nor I would consume the pork. I fed Solace some raw mutton and ran over to a tree, picking apples for Night. I fed my horse and sighed in content.

"Are we going to head back now?" George asked me. I shook my head and pointed to the pond that wasn't too far away.

"Let's just talk for awhile. Your accent is hot," I laughed at his flustered state. We started towards the pond, Night and Solace naturally following us. George and I sat down and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Can you believe that this happened to us? It sucks- a lot. But we're here for a reason... Trapped by whoever or whatever... we'll get out. I know we will." I grinned and looked up into the brunet's eyes.

"Of course we will. We have Dream who's the greatest player I know. Sapnap who'll keep us laughing the whole time. Bad is going to make sure we all stay smiling and happy. Illumina is an impressively fast thinker. And you're our leader- you have some of the best ideas when it comes to survival." George reassured me.

"And you have that accent of yours, so it'll keep me sane." I giggled and ruffled his hair a bit. His cheeks turned pink and he laughed my comment off bashfully.

"I think we'll be just fine." George said as a hand came up to rub my back. I nodded and started to drift off with my head on his chest, held tightly against his side as we fell asleep.


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