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Gods and monsters chapter 2 - rouge

My back lay flat against the door to my apartment as I sighed, checking the time on my phone. "nine PM" I slumped into a bundle, trudging along the hall as I removed my shoes and placed them on the rack, leaping onto the small corner sofa I always say on. After shuffling through TV channels I pressed the ruby button, watching the screen turn blank. My feet scraped along the floor, shutting the door to my room as I packed my small suitcase. It took a while, but I had finally finished, after changing into a pair of blue silk pyjamas I curled up under the cosy covers, letting sleep take over my exhausted body as if it were a spell. The morning came with a dulling, dark blue. I had decided on a fitted, grape velvet top and shorts co-ord and an oversized black puffer jacket, my feet slipped into a pair of plain ash coloured trainers. After brushing through the long, thick mass of hair on my head I was ready.

"Here we go." I sighed, washing up the last piece of cutlery in the sink before drying my hands, ensuring my apartment was spotless before I left. Just as I pulled my bag to the hall I heard a knock surface on my door. My feet scuttled towards the handle, opening it to see a man dressed in a fine suit stood before me. "Mr Jeon is waiting for you in the car, your flight leaves in thirty minutes." I nodded, he took my bag and opened the door for me, waiting until I was in before shutting it quietly. "Good morning." He didn't bother looking over at my face, he just kept his eyes glued on the phone before him, scrolling through what I assumed were work E-mails. "Good morning Mr Jeon." I replied, sliding my already powered on phone onto my hand, looking through his schedule.

After around fifteen minutes our drive came to an end, we stepped out of the car, meeting on my side. I hadn't seen what he was wearing before, his long legs were showcased in a pair of coal-black jeans and a matching jumper ended at his knuckles, a plain silver ring placed on his pointer finger. He removed his cap, running his fingers through the loose waves of his glossy hair, I watched it fall back onto his tanned skin, he looked exceptionally good in formal wear, but there was something about simple attire that showed of his magnificently angelic traits. "Are you all ready?" He questioned, I nodded, following him as we walked side by side to his private jet, it was extremely early, the sky was still a heavy navy and the clouds hadn't even appeared yet but it still had a warmth to it despite the chilly breeze enveloping my face with a crisp kiss of coldness.

We boarded the plane, it was just him and I, his bodyguards sat at each end of the plane and of course, the pilot was only a room away. My nails dug into my palms as I felt the wheels take off, I shut my eyes, biting down on my bottom lip as I tried to relieve myself of the shock. I'd never been on a plane before, let alone out of the country, so the rumbling beneath me caused a bundle of nerves to take over my body. "It'll stop soon." He had a heaving look in his eyes, as if he was somewhat concerned, I gave him a nod, earning an earnest glance as the plane finally settled, bringing me to ease. The rest of the flight consisted of staring out into the white smoky sky, everything seemed so far away once I was up in the sky, I supposed it was and smiled away at the wonderful view. My sketchpad sat before me, a blank canvas waiting for the pencil cradled between my fingers to draw whatever came to mind. I sketched away, finally deciding on a pretty drawing of the moon, shading in the infamous dark side as a memory wavered over my thoughts.


The wind blew against my face like tiny daggers, my hands curling around the battered shutters as I pushed them above our heads. "Let's go." We ran through, making our way to the very top of the scaffolding. The sky was a darkening whirlpool of ink, dainty speckles twinkling ever so brightly as they made way for their centre-piece. The most astonishing work of art nature could conjure, the milky moon and it's silver like glow, magnetising over every pair of eyes that gained the privilege of being able to bask in its shimmering rays of stardust, the gorgeous marvel that was moonlight. My eyes panned over to him, his Neptune shaded hair and toffee glow, his statue-like side profile that made my skin shudder, he was perfect in every way. "Hey?" his sudden set of words startled me slightly, our eyes met and butterflies swirled in my stomach, his hand reached for mine as he spoke. "You know even this showcase doesn't add up to the enchanting glow you possess, I can't explain it another way than say I-" his words were cut off by the sound of traffic stories below us, he let out a soft chuckle before shaking his head, "Just say you'll always be by my side?" He squeezed my hand making my cheeks dust a faded rose, "Always and forever Taehyung."

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