Day Twelve

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You zoom in on your phone, focusing in on the picture of you and Hannah. You hadn't been able to take your eyes off it since you found it in your messages yesterday morning from Brooklyn. It was taken the night of the Ministry of Sound party, your arms were wrapped around her small waist, your mouth resting against her ear, your eyes were filled with desire and lust. You focus on your hands in the picture, gripping the fabric of her dress against her stomach like you were holding on for dear life, pressing her body so close to yours. And Hannah, she looked incredible. Her body, the way she was biting her lip, her hand grasping your dreads...She looked so sexy. It looked like something out of a glamour magazine. The last week had made you begin to see Hannah in a different light. You found yourself watching her, staring at her body as she walked. You loved the way her hips swayed, how her booty jiggled, how her long red hair flowed behind her. She was like an angel. You had taken her sweet nature for granted when you were coupled up with her, without even giving her a chance. You had shut down any idea of a relationship between the two of you. It had been unfair of you to do so. She was so amazing. Your conversation with Chelsea yesterday had lit a fire under your ass. She was right. You needed to tell Hannah how you felt, and you had planned on it, you had every intention of it, and then you had seen her. Her eyes were swollen, her nose was red, her cheeks wet with tears. You saw her and you immediately felt angry. A rage burned deep inside you. You had jumped to conclusions, you could admit that. Perhaps you had been a bit harsh with Rocco, but you were so sure that he had been the cause of her pain that you didn't bother to listen to her when she told you otherwise. You had basically called her stupid and naïve and told her she was a fool, all to find out after the altercation that she had been crying because they were talking about his mother. The mother he lost when he was just a child. You had acted like such a twat, sure you hadn't thrown the first punch, but you may as well have. You went for the jugular when it came to Rocco. It had surprised you how defensive he had become when you had accused him of using Hannah and questioned his feelings for her. It had hit such a nerve with him. If you could go back and change how you behaved, you absolutely would, one hundred percent. But not because of what you said to Rocco, but because of how much you had hurt Hannah in the process. Your jealousy had slowly consumed you. Over the course of four short days, you went from having a small crush but not wanting to ruin your friendship, to wanting her with every ounce of your being. You hit the home button and lean your head back against the headboard of the bed, the image of Hannah's face after the fight swirling around in your brain. She had looked broken, yet beautiful. She was so angry with you, but also touched your face with such warmth, that it had made you shiver. Even when she was unloading on you, her fists beating against your chest, there was a magnetism between the two of you. You felt it, you knew she felt it. You had tried to apologize, multiple times, but she wouldn't speak to you. She had locked herself in the dressing room with the girls last night and had slept out on the daybeds with Brooklyn. It was kind of creepy to admit, but you had watched them from the roof terrace for a bit, watching as she cried her eyes out. She was in pain and it was all your fault. The production crew had come to gather Rocco's things this morning and had let Hannah say goodbye to him out front. You had waited for her in the living room in the hopes that she would talk to you, but she wouldn't. When she came in, her face was wet with tears, her eyes swollen and red. She had disappeared into the beach hut as soon as she had laid eyes on you.

You stand up from the bed and walk sluggishly downstairs, making your way towards the kitchen. There was no point in stowing away in the bedroom, besides, you needed to grab some ice for your cheek. Hannah just needed a little time, that's all. She would come around. It was Hannah, there was no way she could hold a grudge against you forever, was there? You open the freezer door and rummage around for something to put on your face. Spotting a bag of frozen peas, you take it out, wrapping a paper towel around it before applying it to your bruised skin. You wince at the pain. Rocco had managed to get one good shot to your face, and you hadn't even had time to block it. Aside from your cheek and some bruised ribs, you were good. You take out your phone and lean against the counter, scrolling aimlessly. It was nice to have a phone, but practically everything that pertained to the outside world was blocked. No social media access, no internet browsing. The only things you had access to were music apps, text messaging, just to the other islanders of course, and the camera. Everything else was off limits. You pull up the picture of you and Hannah again and zoom in on her face. Seeing her, it brought a smile to your face.

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