Day Eleven

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You watch the beautiful goth stretch out on the sun lounger as you lift weights. Her fair skin glistened in the sunlight. She reminded you of one of those vampire chicks from the Twilight movies. She was a hottie, even if she wasn't the usual type you went for. You liked her fiery attitude, you liked the way she looked, you liked her brutal honesty. It was such a turn on. But let's be real, you thought all the girls here were hot. Hope's confidence was sexy, Marisol looked like the type of woman to punish you for misbehaving, Priya was a seductress, Hannah had this angelic thing going for her and Brooklyn, well Brooklyn was like the forbidden fruit. The one girl here who had never been deflowered. That was such a hot thought. Taking a girls virginity was a huge deal, because it only happened once, obviously. You drop your weights to the ground and take a sip of your water. You wipe the sweat from your face and toss the towel over your shoulder as you make your way towards the beautiful goth.

"It must be hard being one of the other girls." You say to her as you take a seat on the lounger beside hers.

She lowers her sunglasses down the bridge of her nose. "Why's that?" She smirks at you.

"Because you're clearly the hottest bird here. I bet they get all sorts of jealous."

"Tell me Jakub, I'm curious, do those lines actually work for you?"

"They ain't lines, bae. And yes." You give her a sexy smirk. "One hundred percent of the time."

She lets out a laugh. "Well you're barking up the wrong tree babes. I'm not interested."

"I think you're lying." You say with a smirk.

"I don't lie. In case you haven't noticed, I don't hold my tongue." She stares at you, her hypnotic green eyes piercing into yours.

"And in case you haven't noticed, I'm used to getting what I want and what I want is to get to know you. You don't scare me bae."

She chuckles and shakes her head. "That's the corniest thing I've ever heard."

You sit there and stare at her, a small smile playing at the corner of your lips.

She sighs. "Fine. Go on, tell me about yourself." She rolls her hand in the air as if to tell you to get on with it. She wanted to come off as callous and harsh, but you could tell by the glimmer in her eye, the flirtatious look on her face, that she did in fact want to know more about you.

"Well, like I said last night, I'm a professional bodybuilder. I do a lot of modeling, commercials, magazines, stuff like that. I'm also a personal trainer. I could teach you how to do a proper pull up." You smirk at her causing her to laugh.

"You saw that tragedy, huh?"

"I did." You smile. "Everyone has to start somewhere. I could help you develop some upper body strength."

"I'll consider it." She says with a shrug, giving you a small smile.

"Tell me about yourself." You say to her as you lean forward slightly.

"That's a bit broad. What do you want to know?" She says as she examines her painted black nails.


"Oh, you're a smooth talker, aren't you?" She says to you with a smirk.

"Nah, no smooth talking. I just want to know everything about you. You're hot, I'm hot. We should get to know each other better." You make your pecs jump bringing forth a ring a laughter from the beautiful goth.

"How incredibly shallow of you." She says through her fit of laughter.

You give her a sexy smile. "Just being honest. You're a bit of me."

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