#3 "Haughty heart"

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A haughty look, a proud heart and the plowing of the wicked are sin
(Proverbs 21:4)

I passed my Common Entrance exams - federal, state and private school - in flying colours. My parents were very proud of me. They bought me new cool clothes and shoes and testified of God's greatness in my life.

I had always been a shining star, topping my class since KG one to Grade five. My teachers loved me. I had won so many awards from and for my school.

They said my head was hot! That hot head never came down again having being pumped up with so many compliments. So I carried my head up, nose high into high school.

I was very picky with peers. I wanted people I was superior to to form my clique. Or be my minions.

Ovie, Success and Wilson qualified. Ovie's mother was just a primary school teacher and his father was into a small scale business. Success's mother cooked food in a small shop and his father sold provision. Wilson's parents were bankers.

I bought these kids to me with waffles, pizza, pancakes, cheeseburger etcetera. After that, they swarmed close to me like bees in their hive. They worshipped me, ready to clean messes I had made or take punishment or insults for me. They thought they were being good friends to me.

Wilson was the first in the group to butt heads with me.

He told us one day that his father had been promoted to being the manager of the bank he was working in.

His mother, he said, had quit her job to establish a fashion house. With a genuine smile, the boy told us that very soon things would be okay and he would get to eat the treats I used to give them and travel to the America I had always bragged to have been to.

"You would have to travel by plane to get to that level!" I laughed.

"We would soon do that!" Wilson said, "I believe God"

"Please!" I rolled my eyes, "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eyes of a needle than for that to happen"

"Is dah one supposed to be an insult?!" Wilson fired at me.

I was shocked at first as this was the first time any of them had snapped at me like that. Success and Ovie looked very scared at the unraveling drama.

"Are you raising your voice at me?" I asked him.

"Why wouldn't I?" he asked me, "Wait, who do you think you are?"

"It seems you don't want waffles again"

"Fuck your waffles!" the boy cussed, "I will soon start having mine at my reach"

"Look at this boy" I asked Success and Ovie, pointing a finger at him.

"Don't point your wicked finger at me!"

I frowned, "What did you just call me?"

"You're wicked, Christian. You're too proud. What kind of pastor's son are you?"

"Warn yourself, Wilson!" I warned, "You're getting me angry"

"So what should I now do? Tickle you? You must be a fool for thinking I'll bow down to you again"

I slapped him. He palmed the face I hit, staring at me with wide eyes. We stood face to face, panting like mad. Wilson left us later. He went to report me. I was punished.

Later on, Success and I had a tiff on the same issue which sent him away from me just as it made Wilson. Ovie said he wouldn't wait for me to insult him before he left so he packed his remaining dignity and left me, friendless.

With one's nose in the air, how will one see? Think about it
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