"Beverly!" my parents yelled as they pushed past the door, running towards the narrow bed I was on

"What the?" I groaned when their arms threw around my stomach, holding me tight in their grasp, holding on for dear life.

"We were so fucking scared" Elena whispered, her eyes were bloodshot shot red indicating that she was crying. Heck, all of their eyes were red

"What's going on?" I asked

"We... We found you in Aqua's apartment passed out. Adam was bleeding and unconscious-" my father started to say, but I drowned him out

His eyes are a washed out green, like he's cried too many times and the colour ran.

"Adam and I were on... A voice call the same time everything went down... I... I overheard everything and left everything to head over there. I called the cops, I called your parents. But we got there too late" Allie whispered

Then it hit me. Aqua was gone. She was actually gone.

I felt a dark energy wash over me, not quite the hot dark of embers, but a soft, hopeful dark. The dark that comes just before the sunrise, a kind of dark that helped the orange and gold blossom across the sky, like a small flower trembling open in spring.

The dark that encouraged you to fall asleep as you close your eyes, tossing and turning in a futile attempt to slip away into the depths of unconsciousness, blissfully unaware. The type of dark that occurs in a complete solar eclipse, blocking out the light, the noise, the feeling of being, leaving you in the silence of serenity, if only for a few seconds.

My eyes were like a clear lake in a dark forest, if you looked closer at that lake you could see a round shallow crevice filled with completely transparent water. The water didn’t tug or ripple in the closed off space, though there was reason enough to.

In that already unnaturally beautiful scene were two identical and gigantic green koi fish -trapped in an unbreakable and frighteningly fast chase for each other's long tails, fusing into a seamless circle. The tears poured from my eyes.

"We...we couldn't find Aqua..." Allie whispered, my heart clenched in my chest

"Can... Can you give us a minute? Please?" I whispered to my parents. They furrowed their brows but my eyes told them that I needed some space, they nodded and left the room leaving myself and the girls alone

"Her father"

"He came?" Jackie asked

"Yes. He wanted to take her back, he brought some guards-"

"They're arrested" Allie said, I nodded in response

"His trident, it... It killed Adam" I whispered

"No. Adam is alive" Josie said. My eyes went wide


"He's... Not healing though" She whispered

"The doctors aren't finding anything that could held him, his skin is split open the size of a bowling ball. They don't know how to explain it, they've never seen such a huge tear into a person's flesh, it's a miracle he's alive. He's breathing but that's it. There's nothing else. He's in so much pain" Elena mumbled

"Where is he?" I asked

Allie chewed her lips nervously and stood to her feet, walking over towards the grey curtain that separated us from another bed. She pulled the curtain and revealed Adam laying in bed.

My eyes went wide as I stared at the boy, tubes were filled up his nose and boring into his stomach that oozed with blood. I mentally cringed at the sight but my heart ached for him. He truly looked like his was in so much pain.

His skin had lines all over it, the same kind of of lines that would appear if a perosn was striked by lightening. The machine been every second, it was the only thing keeping him alive

"He's only surviving off life support" Josie mumbled

"They... They want to pull the cord" Elena said

"He doesn't have parents on land, he's all by himself" Allie mumbled

"No. He's not alone" I said, my eyes glanced towards the girls
"He has us"

"Damn right he does" Jackie said

"Her father striked her too" I said


"FUCK, I don't think she could surve that" Josie hissed. I clenched my teeth together as I felt the sadness wash over me

"I... Know" I whispered, their eyes softened as they glanced towards me


"Don't... I.. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know what to say" I whispered

I had no idea if she was alive or not. A part of me desperately clung onto the idea that she was but to be striked twice in the same spot by a weapon that kills you the first time was almost impossible to survive at. My heart started to pain again.

The love of my life. Gone.

The world no longer seemed magical. The sky no longer seemed limitless. The chirping of the birds was no longer music to my ears.

The tears wanted to roll down, but they were too stubborn. They just wouldn't come. I felt it all. The burning sensation in my heart that slowly crept to my stomach, wanting to choke me out and suffocate me to death. Nothing pained more than the thought of losing Aqua.

"You'll be okay-"

"NO I WON'T FUCKING BE OKAY" I hissed, they stepped back and hung their heads low

No one here could feel what I was feeling, no one.

I have never felt pain like this. This was something different, this was something far more intense than a stab of a knife or the bullet of a gun piercing through your skull.

What we hav- had, was special. People spend years and years looking for that one person to spend the rest of their lives with, that one person that made their heart run laps everytime they thought about them. That one person that always came to mind when the word 'love' appeared.

I refuse to believe she's gone. There's no fucking way she could be. Right?

"I have something to tell you" Allie mumbled

"Please. Anything, just tell me anything right now" I pleaded, desperately wanting anything to distract my mind from going dark and sinking into a void I couldn't escape from.

"Remember a few days ago when I said I had a gift for.. Her birthday?" Allie asked. My heart clenched at the memory

"Yes?" Josie answered, Allie sighed and walked over towards the door

"Well when Aqua told us about her story and her childhood, some things didn't seem to add up. So I did some digging and had some help from her boss and I think.. I think you're gonna want to hold onto your seat for this" Allie said

Her hand gripped the doorknob and opened the door wide. Her head stuck out into the waiting room as she motioned for someone to join her

"Come on, it's okay" Allie said

The girl's furrowed their brows and glanced at me, searching for an answer within each other's eyes.

But I felt all emotions drain from my body the second I saw who stepped foot into the room. Her raven black hair flowed down her back and her green eyes seemed so lost as she stared at us.


Aquamarine (GirlxGirl) Where stories live. Discover now