❗️Chapter 6❗️

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     They arrived at Dibsazal just a little over an hour ago. Most of the team distant, in order to get Eldan the space he desired and quite frankly, needed. But eventually they all came together again for some much needed space family time. They settled at a place that, despite its demeanor on the outside, was actually quite calm and welcoming on the inside. It seemed to be a cafe of sorts with strange Galran pastries lining shelves inside a glass case and a huge chalkboard on the wall behind it, written in things the team could only hope that Coran could decipher.
     The six of them squeezed into a booth near the middle of the cafe, close to the display of galran food. Without even trying to see if they could make out what was on the chalkboard to order, they sent Coran to order for them, praying he might actually get something they could eat or drink.
     As Coran walked away from the table the team began to look around themselves, taking in the unique atmosphere of their dining choice. There were holographic posters all along one wall, lining it from ceiling to floor. All of them seemed to be of different aliens in various positions with their mouths open. One could guess that they must have been singing, or quite possibly screaming. Either could have made sense given their facial expressions. Upon another wall there were different plaques written in, of course, the Galran language. The substance that made up the plaques looked to be a dark purple rock, smooth and polished to the point that they were shining. Along the wall where the door was there were pictures of different Galra, all adorning the same saturated orange shirt and black apron. Some of them looked happy to be there, while others looked like they wanted to be anywhere but. And of course the other wall was covered by the chalkboard menu and the bottom half wasn't visible because of a counter placed next to the glass case of treats.
     After taking it all in they quietly conversed with one another, not wanting to disrupt the few other customers.
      "So," Shiko started, "what do you think the Blade needs help with?"
      "I'm not sure, I mean, usually they're pretty self sufficient." Pepper says, puzzled as he thinks it over.
      "Hey, Eldan, what ever happened to the sword your dad had from the Blade?" Eric asks as the question just now came to him.
      "Oh yeah, I forgot about that." Max says, looking at his boyfriend.
      "He, uh, gave it to me a little while before he and my dad went missing." Eldan says, now thinking back to that moment. "Actually, when he gave it to me he said something about how I'd need it eventually. I didn't know what he meant at the time or even what it was for. I was only 7. I had to have Coran explain it. I wonder why he never did it himself..." he says, trailing off as Coran makes his way back to them, drinks and treats in hand.
     "Don't worry, I made sure to get stuff that won't be poisonous for you." He says cheerfully as he sets down a drink and small plate in front of each of them.
     Wordlessly, they begin to eat, their conversation still hanging in the air, unfinished. It doesn't seem to distract them from eating however, as they're still hungry from not having eaten breakfast that morning, instead having an early training session. The food portions seem small but they surprisingly fill the paladins up, their drinks washing it down with a bittersweet taste.
     While the rest of the team talks about how they enjoyed the food, Eldan starts to think of that moment again when his dad gave him the sword. It had been his 7th birthday. They had a party for him, inviting a lot of people, some of them he didn't even know the names of. By then he had already become friends with the other children of the paladins, in fact, he remembers how overjoyed he was when he had opened the door for them that day.
     Running as fast as his little legs could take him, which wasn't very fast, Eldan raced to the door, wondering who his very first party guests would be. When he managed to open the door, with his dad Keith's help, he found his friends with their parents standing a little ways behind them, waving at Keith and Lance, who stood behind Eldan.
     "Hi!" Eldan shouted, before stepping out the door and onto the porch to hug his friends.
     He was met with a chorus of "Happy birthday's" as they joined together. They had been friends for a little while now, some of them closer than others. But at the moment it didn't matter to Eldan who he was close to, because as far as he knew, at the moment, they were all his close friends, even if it would only last for today.
     Over time, more people began to show up. Some of them Eldan knew, some of them he didn't. Most of the time he had continued playing with his friends, only looking up to smile and say thank you to those who came over to him to wish him a happy birthday. That was, until he heard a familiar voice coming from the hallway that led to the door. When he peeked around the corner, trying to see if he could confirm his suspicions, he found that it was the person he had thought of.
     "Grandma!" Eldan said, running to Krolia, who had been talking with his parents.
     She turned towards him as he came closer and open her arms, to which Eldan basically flew into.
     "Are you here for my birthday?" Eldan whispered into her ear, still hugging her tightly. Well, as tight as he could.
     "Birthday?!" Krolia said with fake shock. "I didn't know it was your birthday! How old are you turing then?"
     "This many," Eldan said while holding up seven fingers on his hands.
     "What? Oh no that can't be. I remember that I heard you were going to be this many." Krolia says smiling as she holds up five fingers.
     "Grandma!" Eldan says, shaking his head but smiling.
     His parents watch the exchange, smiling to themselves. Lance hooks his arm around Keith's waist, who turns to look at his husband. They kiss for a few seconds before,
     "Ewwww!" Eldan says covering his eyes while giggling.
     "You don't like that? Well how about this?" Lance says, before dipping Keith and kissing him like that.
     "Papa!" Eldan says, his giggles getting in the way.
     "How about this?" Keith says, reaching down to lift Eldan up and holding him in between the two who each kiss his cheek at the same time.
     This time he doesn't even try to speak, giggles taking over.
     Eventually everyone finds themselves in the dining room, gathered around the table where Eldan sits at the head of it. There's a chocolate cake in front of him, covered in pastel purple frosting, as it's his favorite color. Seven candles sit on top, placed in a circle around the message "Happy Birthday Eldan". His aunt Allura lights them for him while his uncle Shiro turns out the lights of the room.
     They all sing to him and afterwards when he blows out the candles, he makes a wish. A wish to be able to spend every birthday like this, with people who care about him and make him happy. People like his grandmother. People like his friends. People like his aunts and uncles. People like his dads'. He turns to look at them, finding them already smiling at him. He smiles back, ear to ear.
       Afterwards he opens presents. He gets a lot of really cool stuff, but it's hard to remember all of it. He remembers getting blue hair chalk from Maximum, instantly asking his dad to help him put it on. He remembers Pepper giving him a bracelet in his favorite color, pastel purple, and putting it on his wrist with a bit of help. From Eric he received a red bandana, which was, of course, wrapped around his head. From Shiko he got a set of tiny duct tapes, all in different designs and colors. He tried to place it on his arms but was quickly stopped by Lance, who told him they could decorate something with it later on. He distinctly remembers getting a jacket from his grandmother. It was a bit big for him but he didn't seem to mind at all. It was red with white cuffs and a yellow stripe on the sleaves. When he looked up he had found Keith looking at him like he was going to cry. By this he was confused so he went up and hugged him saying, "Don't cry, Dad." To which everyone laughed.
      Later, when everyone had left and it was only the three of them left, his dad told him that he had one more present. But if he wanted it he would have to go brush his teeth, get his pajamas on, and get in his bed. Naturally, Eldan raced up the stairs and into the bathroom, where he brushed his teeth quickly but thoroughly. After that he threw on his pajamas and crawled into his bed, sitting up and trying to patiently wait.
     He heard footsteps coming down the hall but they stopped right before his door. He heard whispers and strained his ear to hear what his dads' were saying.
     "Are you sure now is the right time?" Lance asked.
     "No, but I'd rather it be us to give it to him rather than him finding it." Keith answered.
     "And are you going to tell him what it's for? Or what it does?"
     "No, I'm hoping we'll be back to explain that. But, if not, Coran can do it."
     "Okay. Okay. I understand. Let's go."
     The door opens and standing there are his dads', looking a little tired but still happy to see him. Keith has his hands behind his back, carrying something.
      "Dad, did I do it right? Do I get the present?" Eldan asks.
      "Sure did, bud." Keith says before moving his hands in front of him, revealing a small box wrapped not so carefully in old newspapers.
      He hands it to his son, who rips it open, curious as to what it could be. Upon opening the box he sees a short dagger, some of the hilt wrapped in bandages. He carefully picks it up, almost cradling it.
     "Woah." He says, looking at it in awe.
     "It used to be your dad's." Lance says.
     "This was yours, Dad?" Eldan says, turning to Keith who nods.
     "Papa and I thought you should have it." Keith says, glancing over at Lance. "We thought you might need it. Just in case."
     "But for what?" Eldan asks, confused.
     "Don't worry about that now." Lance says, then leans in to give him a kiss on his forehead and Keith does the same. "Just get some sleep. And don't tell anyone else about this now, okay?" He says, taking the dagger and placing it on the shelf opposite of Eldan's bed.
     "Good night." Both Lance and Keith say at the same time.
     "Night." Eldan replies, still smiling as he closes his eyes.
      The memory came to him so vividly that he's lost in thought and doesn't even notice the others starting to get up.
       "Hey, Eldan?" Eric asks, waving his hand in front of the other boy's face. It seems to get his attention because he suddenly snaps his head towards Eric, startled.
        "Oh, sorry." He says, as he's realized that he's zoned out and it's now time to go.
        Maximum's hand finds his as they walk towards where they're meeting with the Blade of Marmora, giving a gentle squeeze of reassurance. Eldan gives a small smile back, showing that he's okay. He's not really sure if he is or not but it's better for Max to focus on the task at hand.
        When the team arrives at the building they find out that they'll be helping the Blade hand out supplies and food to homeless Galra citizens. They'll also be helping to direct those who need it to the homeless shelter, which is the building they had met at.
        Just as they're going to begin helping a member taps Eldan's shoulder. When he turns towards them they motion to a door along the wall behind them. He's about to ask but he already knows what's behind it. The thing he was dreading. He slowly makes his way over, he can feel everyone's eyes on him as he goes, but he tries to ignore it. He lifts his hand to twist the knob, only to find that its shaking. Nonetheless, he continues to raise it and opens the door. He steps through and shuts it quietly behind him.
        The room is lit by a dim bulb above a desk where Krolia is hunched over, back towards him. She didn't seem to notice the door open or close as she hasn't looked up, too busy with whatever business she's handling. There are a few stripes of gray in her hair, showing her age.
         Eldan clears his throat, making his presence known. Krolia suddenly turns, now aware someone is here with her.
         "Eldan? Is that really you?" Krolia says, almost not believing it.
         "Yeah, it's me Gran- Krolia." Eldan corrects himself, not wanting to seem like a child by calling her grandma.
         "Oh don't do that. Call me Grandma. Oh my, it's been a bit hasn't it?" She moves closer but hesitantly, as if she's unsure how he'll react. "And look at you. Almost grown and a paladin."
          "I'm only 15. And yeah, it's been a few years." He says nervously, scratching the back of his head.
          "I'm sorry for not being there. After they disappeared, I mean. I wasn't sure how to deal with it and thought that trying to find them and stay focused on the Blade was best. I really should have been trying to pull you closer. I'm sorry." She opens her arms, to which he falls into them.
          Tears fill his eyes and he tries to blink them back but it doesn't work and they fall down his cheeks and on Krolia's shoulder. She wraps her arms around him, one hand finding his hair and gently rubbing it as he cries.
          They talk for a while, catching up on things they've missed. Eldan tells her about Maximum, to which she's overly happy about. Krolia tells him about what little progress she's made to help find their parents, it makes him have some hope.
          When they're finished they return to where the rest of the team was, finding that they've all gone from the room they were previously in. Krolia exits the building, leading the way to where the rest of the team should be. As Eldan exits he sees Max out of the cornrows of his eye, running in his direction. He turns towards the running boy, only to be picked up when they meet and spun around.
          "What was that for?" Eldan asks as he's set down, smiling up at his boyfriend.
           "That was supposed to cheer you up at least a little in case it didn't go well. I figured it would but I wanted to do it anyway." Maximum answers, giving a toothy grin down at the shorter boy.
          "Yeah. It went well." Eldan says, setting his head on Max's chest for a few ticks before he's led to where they'll be helping.
          He's glad to have Krolia back. It gives him some of his family back. Of course, he'll still have to deal with Lance's side of the family when they get to earth but he would try to worry about that later. Right now he would focus on the family in front of him which consisted of friends.

Not sure when I'll get Chapter 7 out as I don't have an updating schedule. Oh well, hope you liked it imaginary reader. Later dude.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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