How to arrange a meeting

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(Adira's P.O.V.)
Tilly or Matilda is one of the little girls that lives with the Leviathans. She recently told me that she loves my horse King. I offered her to have a ride with me before having to do some business. Her little face had lit up and she had jumped up and down. The next morning I took her over to the stables and we met up with my champion race horse.

 The next morning I took her over to the stables and we met up with my champion race horse

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He happily greeted us. I grabbed the halter and grabbed him out the stable. The two of us started to groom him. He enjoyed it and I could tell Tilly was overly enjoying it. I switched the halter for a bridle and led him away from the stable. I grabbed Tilly and lifted her up onto King's back. "Hold onto his mane" I instructed her. She happily did what I told her. I eventually pulled myself up and sat behind Tilly. I grabbed the reins and squeezed my legs telling King to walk. We had a fun ride around the fields behind my house. "Can we go faster?" She asked with puppy eyes. I laughed and nodded. I told King to go faster and soon we were going in a gallop across the fields. She giggled all the way through. King slowed down to a walk and Tilly patted his neck and praised him. I smiled and told King to go back. King's horse shoes made the familiar sound when it hit the stones from the streets of Small Heath. I heard some people talking to each other about some non-importaint shit. But then I heard a male say something. "Did you hear? Thomas Shelby wants to talk with the Leviathans?", "Really? But how does he invite someone he doesn't even know?" The other male asked, "I don't know" the first man responded again as he shrugged his shoulders. I bit my lip and quickly searched for one of my girls. I spotted one and reined King toward her. "Mina?" I asked her. She looked up and gave me a smile. "Can you bring Matilda back to her mother for me? I need to be somewhere" I said. "Of course. Come on, Tilly" she said motioning for Tilly to hop off. "Bonny?" I said to the other lady, "can you walk with me for a second and just improvise" I whispered to her. She nodded and walked alongside King. We walked past the two males. "I heard that the leader of the Leviathans wants to meet the Peaky Blinders at the Garrison" I spoke to Bonny. From the corner of my eye I saw the males perk up at my scentence. "Yes. I heard he wants to meet between 8 and 9 P.M. tomorrow night" she improvised well. I need to thank her later for that. "Aha. But he probably won't come if there are more people in the bar besides the Peaky boys" I said and she nodded before we walked around a corner. I stopped King and watched the two quickly run towards a betting shop. From other females and observation I learned that that betting shop is owned by the Shelby's. Eventually I spurred King on and went back home. When we galloped through the gate I saw Ruth running towards me. "They want to talk" she said grabbing a hold of Kings reins. With they she meant the Peaky Blinders. I jumped from King's back and nodded at her. "I know. And if everything is going well. I will talk with them tomorrow night between 8 and 9 P.M at the Garrison" I said to her. I asked her if she could care for King and she nodded. "Also tell Gina, Minni and Lidia to join the meeting" I told her.

I was gonna go to the Garrison, alone, well of course not alone alone. Some of my girls where going to be in some buildings surrounding the Garrison. Others where just going to be outside looking like they were on their way home but in reality they are just going in circles. I also am going to carry a weapon with me and a knife.

Published: 10th of July 2020

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