Tab was there, giving her a hopeful thumbs up and she nodded. Another medic came racing up to her, it was Mampre. He landed by her side, looking at Oates who worked on controlling his leg, groaning in pain.

" Help him!" called Lizzie nodding to Oates. Mampre watched Brewer gurgle out blood.

" Lizzie-"

" He'll be fine, please, Al, work on O." Lizzie said with pleading eyes as she pulled Brewer's bandage tighter. Mampre nodded to her and then focused on Oates.

" Shit." she muttered again before plunging morphine into Brewer's body. Winters had run up to 

Hazel quickly when that first sniper round shot off and told her orders to take him out. She sat, alone, on the opposite ridge, close by to where Lizzie and Mampre were working on Oates and Brewer, in her protective gear and face paint. Her sniper was set on a bit of an odd angle, but she didn't really mind. She could see a clear shot of the sniper through her gaze, as she reached up to increase her magnification on the sight. He sat within the caved in roof of a far off, rather obscure barn that was faced towards the Southeast. She squinted her eye tighter and looked at the barrel of his gun through her own weapon. He was watching her and could clearly see her. She went to a deeper magnification and adjusted herself a bit as she watched the sniper take a shot and miss again. She shuffled her feet a bit, getting herself set straight and comfortable before she gently let her finger move near the trigger. She sucked in a breath, and steadied herself before catching her eyes right on his shiny sniper.

" Be with me Lord, through war and sin, guide me and guard me, to light." Hazel whispered, her finger tapping lightly on the trigger. Hazel then took the shot, and watched through her scope as the sniper fell back and there was even a blood squirt. Satisfied, she looked once more through the scope, aiming it again and taking one last shot at the still visible body to satisfy herself that he was dead. When he didn't move after a few minutes, she stood and raced past Lizzie.

" Sniper's taken out! You're all clear!" she yelled to her and Lizzie threw up a bloody thumbs up. Hazel looked toward intelligence, and prayed they saw her thumbs up on the dead sniper. Hazel then turned, as she watched the rest of the company race forward, and attempt to find a good place to set up to snipe. 

Catherine was moving through with the mass of 2nd platoon assisting Bill with leading the platoon. Being attached to different platoons each day had it's perks. She got to work with Harry yesterday, as well as Bull, when the moved towards the bridges. And plus she got to be rotated through the men and see everyone, while still being technically attached to Battalion. Others days it could be a shit show, like when they did training in late August on 3 and 4 day trips and the platoons seemed a reck. But what else virtually was new. Bill moved the platoon against a brick wall, and nodded to Catherine, who stood near the front of the platoon, as he hurried over to her.

" First real rush." he told her, and she smirked with a wink.

" Here's the plan, take first squad around and 2nd will go over, I'll take 3rd around the other side. We'll met up on the other side. Sound good?" she asked him. Her and Bill had discussed working together plenty of times as she transitioned into her work with 2nd platoon where she had come from. Orders went from her to Bill mostly.

" Yes, ma'am." Bill said with a tip of his helmet.

" 1st squad on me!" she called, as the men in 1st followed her around the side of the brick wall.

2nd and 3rd squad moved through the vacant grave yard, as Catherine led 1st squad around it to met up with Bill again on the other side. Catherine glanced to her left at the burning tank, before stepping to the side and moving the men forward, with a nod as she brought up the rear. She was the last to slam into the side of the building before moving up past the men to Bill's side. As she approached him, he whistled and held up the hold sign. Catherine glanced over and watched as Buck led in the mortar squad's right in a little courtyard, and he noticed her and Bill and nodded to them. The tanks were slowly making their entrance into the town, a fairly slow on at that as Bill glanced over Mellet's shoulder again.

The Soldier of Stars [1] - Band of BrothersWhere stories live. Discover now