Meta: "Kirby, the king ordered a thunderstorm monster called kracko and it just tried to kill you"

Tiff: "wow really? We had no idea" she said sarcastically

Kirby: "Krackos a fun name"

Everyone: ......

Kirby: "so how am I supposed to kill it?"

Everyone: ......

Kirby: "seriously"

Meta: " I don't know how your supposed to get close to it without getting electrocuted"

Tuff: "your necklace star flying thingy"

Meta: "yeah but-"

Kirby: "it's the best I got" she took the warp star off the chain and thew it on the ground to which it expanded "now give me your sword" Meta hands her his sword.

Meta: "don't die"

Tiff: "yeah Kirby please be careful"

Kirby: "I'll try but no promises" she says smiling then hopping on the warp star and flying away.

Meta tiff and tuff walk out of the woods to go see. Immediately after Kirby was in view of Kracko, it started trying to hit her with its lighting. She avoids it and try's to fly up to the source of the lighting.

Kirbys thoughts: how am I supposed to kill it if nothing's there but clouds?

She flys back down but as she's almost there Kracko strikes. The lighting hits the warp star but not Kirby. The impact causes her to lose balance and fall off. Kirby falls from around a 7 or so foot drop, landing on her hands and feet. It takes her a moment to get back up. Everyone's running to her, the seconds are ticking before kracko could strike again but this time it's targets at a standstill, missing it would be impossible. Kirby winces as she gets back up, kracko could hit at any moment and she wasn't ready to start running again. That's when Meta grabs her arm and they start running together. Kracko strikes at the spot Kirby was standing one second earlier.

Meta: "you good?"

Kirby shook her head, she was not. She wanted to stop to catch her breath but that wasn't an option. Tiff went to grab the warp star which shrunk to its small size then her and Tuff followed Meta and Kirby. They were heading to the castle.

Kirby: "let go of my arm"

Meta: "we're almost there"
*lighting strike*

Kirby: "it wants me, if it hits me it hits you too so let go" She barely managed to say from being so out of breath
*lighting strike*

Meta: "I'm not letting go, come on you can do it"

Kirby nodded and they ran faster until they reached the castle unharmed by the lighting. Tiff and Tuff were lagging behind and it took them a minute to get to the castle. Once inside Kirby fell to the floor catching her breath and gave Meta his sword back.

Kirby: "that was so scary"

Meta: "imagine how scary it would be for the person watching, oh wait I did that" sarcasssmmm

Kirby: "well your not the one who would have been hit by lighting"

Meta: "if it hit you, It'd hit me just not physically"

Kirby: "awe"

Meta: .......

Just then Tiff and Tuff arrived.

Tiff: "oh my god, Kirby you gave me a heart attack!"

Tuff: "Kracko almost killed you!"

Kirby: "kracko needs to get off crack"

Meta: "Kracko needs to check into rehab"

Meta, Kirby and Tiff: "heh"

Tiff: "anyways bad news..." she hands Kirby the warp star. One of the ends broke off after being hit by lighting.

Kirby: "it will repair a week"

Meta: "Take it to Kabu and it will repair in half an hour"

Kirby: "who's Kabu?"

Tiff: "your right! Kabu has a special spot for warp stars"

Kirby: "I'm confused"

Meta: "Kabus are resting places for star warriors. Their located all over the galaxy. It has a place for your warp star to recover"

Kirby: "interesting, well let's go take it to Kabu"

Meta: "your not coming, we can't have you go back out there"

Kirby: "right..."

Tiff: "don't worry we'll be back soon"

Meta: "Kirby just stay here okay"

Kirby: "yes ok I'll stay here"

And with that Meta Tiff and Tuff went to Kabu to repair the warp star.

Kirbys thoughts: now what am I going to do for the next hour?
She went to the kitchen

*switch to Tiff, Tuff and Meta*

It takes awhile for them all to reach Kabu in (I think) the wispy woods. Eventually they arrive. Inside Kabu is a hole in the shape of the warp star, Tiff places the warp star in its spot. And since they are at the location of the wise Kabu they figure it would be helpful to ask it some questions.

Tiff: "Kabu, how should Kirby defeat Kracko?"

Kabu: "Kirby must attack from a distance"

Tuff: "well how will she do that?"

Meta: "sword beams"

Tiff: "why didn't we think of that earlier!"

Meta and Tuff shrug

Tiff: "you know now that we're at Kabu and have some time to spare...does anyone here know anything about why there so many monsters and why DDD wants Kirby dead so badly?"

Meta: "well....the kings obsessed with monsters. He orders them off of nightmare enterprises or NmE. NmE is a corporation controlled by Nightmare who is trying to take over the galaxy. He would create monsters to do his bidding. And with all these monsters a war started. Between the star warriors and the monsters. The Star warriors defended the galaxy from Nightmare's monsters. We slayed thousands of monsters but they outnumbered us, all until the entirety of the star warriors were gone....apart from me. Now, the only reason I can think of why the king wants Kirby dead is because she killed his monsters. Do you know anything else Kabu?"

Kabu: "I suspect that Nightmare sells their monsters to DDD after he produced a monster stronger than himself. Knowing DDD orders monsters, Nightmare suspected Kirbys star ship would fly to Dream Land"

Tuff: "why would her ship fly to Dream Land?"

Meta: "Star ships are created to fly to places where monsters are located"

Tiff and Tuff: "oh"

Tiff: "But what does Nightmare making a monster stronger than himself have to do with this?"

Kabu: "NmE wanted Kirbys ship to fly to Dream Land because DDD orders many monster which creates more opportunities for Nightmare to fix his mistake"

Tuff: "the mistake of making a monster stronger than himself?"

Kabu: "yes. That is why there are so many monsters and why NmE sends their strongest ones so fight Kirby"

Metas eyes widen as he realizes.

Meta: "So, what your saying is the monster made by Nightmare is...Kirby?"

Cliff hanger!!! Now go read part 2!

Kirby x Meta Knight  -  human girl Kirby!! With lots of 𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮 Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ