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"I'm BOOOOOORED," Snowball complained.

Fanny looked at him. "Well, you could have gone with Bubble and Lightning, you know! I would have gone with them if-"

"Yeah, yeah," Snowball interrupted. "You would have gone if you didn't hate walking."


Snowball sat up and spotted Lightning floating towards them. He was holding a crystal. "Finally!" Snowball yelled at him. "What took you so long?"

"And where's Bubble?" Fanny asked.

"She tripped over a rock and, well, you know." Lightning made a pop sound. "Also, I told you guys when Four announced the contest that it was several miles away. It took me four days to get there and four days to get back!"

Snowball crossed his arms. "All that for a puny crystal? I'm not impressed."

"Ruby was telling me about various gems and crystals one day, and I remember her telling me about this one. If she was correct, we're able to use it to go to a different universe."

They were silent for a moment. "So," Fanny said, "Ruby has known how to travel between universes all this time and she never told anyone?"

"Well, she is trapped in the other-"

"I HATE her!"

Lightning sighed.

"So how do we use the crystal?" SB asked.

Lightning looked at it. "Maybe we have to break it? I'm not sure-"

Snowball grabbed the crystal and threw it against the ground. It shattered into several pieces, when then imploded and vanished with the customary flash of light.


"Heyyy, Flower!" Ruby cartwheeled over to where Flower was sunbathing. "Want me to sing Two Trucks to you again?"

Flower didn't even move when she responded. "Not now, Ruby, I'm sunb- er, I'm photosynthesizing." Then she lifted her head up and took off her sunglasses. "Wait. Is Two Trucks that song that-"

"Yup!" Ruby grinned.

Flower stared at her. "Ruby. Please NEVER sing that song to me ever again."

Ruby's smile melted. "Awww."

Suddenly, something bonked Ruby on the head, hard. "Ow!" She rubbed her head as the hard object clattered to the ground.

Flower took her sunglasses off again. "What's that? And why did it appear from thin air?"

Ruby picked it up and inspected it, but she didn't need to. The answer came to her in an instant. "Hey, I know what this is! It's a multicrystal!"

"Say again?"

"A multicrystal can be used to go from one universe to another," Ruby explained. "I've never seen one before. It's cool!"

"So we can use it to get back to our own competition?" Flower asked excitedly. "Wait, how do you know what it does if you've never seen one before?"

"Flower, I'm a gem," Ruby bragged. "I know all about other gems and crystals." She knocked on her head.

"Huh. Well, I'll be glad to get out of here. That Knife guy..." Flower shivered. "He gives me the creeps."

"Just put your hand on my head and I'll get us out of here!"

Flower stood up and leaned against Ruby, who started to bend the crystal. "See you never, Slicey Boi!" Flower called out to the empty plains.

Crossing Over - A BFB/II2 fanfic [COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें