The Next Contests

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Fan and Tennis Ball emerged from Golf Ball's factory into the fading sunlight. Objects were starting to gather around Four, waiting for him to say something. But he simply had a blank look on his face.

Once everyone had arrived, he began to speak. "CONTESTANTS! I've brought you all here today to start the next challenge."

In the back of the crowd, Barf Bag shouted, "What about the people who were sucked through the portal?"

"I'M GETTING TO THAT!" Four regained his composure. "It appears that those 16 unlucky contestants were taken to another universe - one of many that exist parallel to our own, but unseen by us." People started to murmur amongst themselves. "Each team has at least one member trapped in the alternate universe. So the contest is to get your team members back!" The murmurings grew louder. "The last team to do so will be up for elimination. Begin!"

People started to disperse and re-coagulate into their respective teams. A Better Name Than That crowded around Tennis Ball and Fan.

"So, do we have any ideas on how to get Golf Ball and TV back?" Basketball asked.

Blocky responded first. "I vote we just leave GB in the other universe."

"Blocky!" TB shouted. "We can't just do that, we'd lose! Besides, she's my friend!"

"I hate to break it to you, TB, but have you noticed that basically nobody else likes her?"

"Actually," Fan butted in, "Golf Ball is quite popular with the viewers."

Blocky stared at him. "Are you being serious? Bossy bot Golf Ball is popular?"

"Yup! I gotta say, though, you don't have many fans yourself, Blocky. If you guys are up for elimination again because of something you suggested-" Fan slid a finger across his throat. "-you may be in trouble."

"Hmm. That is risky." Blocky put his hand to his chin, like he was thinking. "Well, back to Basketball's question. Even if we wanted to get GB back, how would we do it?"

Tennis Ball answered, "We could use her factory to build a machine to open another portal. I had actually started working on one before Four called us all up here."

"Grassy LIKES that plan!" Grassy chimed.

"Then it's settled," said Basketball. "We build a machine to get Golf Ball and TV back, but only to avoid elimination. Sound good?"

"Yeah!" Grassy, Blocky, and Robot Flower said in unison. As the sun set, they all headed towards the factory entrance, with Tennis Ball lagging behind, looking slightly crestfallen.

Fan decided to try to cheer him up. "Hey, if it's any consolation, you're pretty popular, too. If you guys do lose, there's a good chance that both you and GB will survive."

Tennis Ball smiled at Fan. "Thanks."


"How in the world are we supposed to do this challenge??" Snowball complained loudly. "We only have four members! And it's not like getting to another universe is easy!"

"Well, at least we're not... BEEP." Bubble whispered that last part and pointed in Cloudy and Woody's direction. "They only have two people!"

"Guys," Lightning spoke, "I think I may know a way to get to that other universe."

Bubble, Fanny, and Snowball all turned towards Lightning. "Well?" Snowball asked expectantly.

"There's this cave that may be able to help us. But it's several miles away, and it'll take a couple days to get there. I'll explain on the way."

Lightning floated away. Bubble followed him, but Snowball and Fanny didn't. "I HATE walking!" Fanny exclaimed.


"Are you ready, TV?"

TV nodded. He was plugged into the fuse box for Test Tube's laboratory via several wires. Test Tube pressed the main power button for the fuse box. TV shorted out, and several of the wires sparked, but after a moment, the lights in the laboratory flickered on.

"Yes!" Test Tube punched her fist into the air in celebration. She flipped a few switches in the fuse box and started directing power back to TV. Now that they had jump-started the backup generator (which, ironically, couldn't start without an external power source), all she had to do was keep TV plugged in for an hour or so until he was fully charged again.

Test Tube walked over to her computer and pressed the power button. Hopefully nothing had been lost. The Meeple logo appeared on the screen, and after two minutes of intense loading, the computer turned on fully. Test Tube opened the folder with her notes on the time travel project and breathed a sigh of relief. Everything was there.

"Whoa. What the heck happened here?"

Test Tube turned around to find MePhone standing in the hole in the wall that had become the new entrance of the laboratory. He surveyed the damage, his eyes lingering on TV, then chuckled. "I always knew one of your experiments would go awry someday. But I never knew that it would cause THIS much damage!"

"Hey!" Test Tube spat angrily. "I'll have you know that while my original experiment may have failed, I have accomplished something that-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," MePhone interrupted. "Anyway, it's elimination time. Bring your otherworldly buddy and let's go!"

MePad entered the hole in the wall. "Sir, nobody lost last challenge, remember?"

"Oh yeah. Well then, it's contest time. Come on!" MePad teleported himself and MePhone away. Seconds later, Teardrop and Golf Ball returned. "Who were they?"

"They were the hosts of Inanimate Insanity." Test Tube turned off her computer. "I gotta go compete in the next challenge. MePhone said to bring you guys along."

"But what about creating the portal?" Golf Ball spluttered.

"Look, as much as I want to fix my machine as you do, it's getting late. Makes me wonder why MePhone is even doing a challenge this late in the day, but either way, we can't ignore his summons. Besides-" she knocked on the side of her computer. "-it turns out that my files are fine! So we won't have to start from scratch."

GB sighed. "Well, I guess it could be nice to actually spectate a show instead of being in one." She turned to Teardrop. "TD, what about-" But Teardrop was already gone, climbing out of the rubble and into the setting sun. GB and Test Tube followed her, leaving TV to recharge.


Baseball was looking for Nickel when he heard voices in the trees. Turning towards the forest, he pushed aside a bush and saw the telltale glint of silver. "Hey, Nickel! I've been looking for you. MePhone wants us for the next challenge-" He stopped as he realized that there wasn't one Nickel, but two. He looked back and forth between them for several seconds, his confusion growing with each turn of his head.

"...did Lightbulb put something in my Dr. Fizz?"

Hiya, sorry that this chapter is both shorter than usual and took long to make, but I'm trying to finish up my schoolwork (yes, I've still got school online, despite the quarantine). I finish on Tuesday, though, and I have lots of stuff planned for this story, so stay tuned!

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