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Test Tube yawned and sat up from her bed of grass. It was a new day, and she felt ready for anything. Popping the cork out of her top - she wore that when she slept so her liquid didn't spill - she got up and climbed down the rubble pile into her laboratory.

She gasped. Besides the various holes and cracks in the walls and floor, everything was clean and organized. The shelves had been set back up, and all her notes that didn't get sucked away were arranged neatly on them. The last of the dust had been swept away, as well as all the shards of glass. All the rubble was gone. Every surface had been polished and shone like new. Even her swivel chair, which had been chopped in half by a steel girder, was somehow patched up with duct tape.

In the middle of the room was Golf Ball, standing proudly. "I, uh, couldn't sleep," she said, almost sheepishly. "So I decided to finish cleaning up the lab."

Test Tube's eyes shone and she ran over to pick up and hug Golf Ball. "Oh, thank you, thank you!" Not having hugged anyone before, Golf Ball wasn't sure what to do back, so she awkwardly patted Test Tube's back with a robotic arm.

Test Tube set her down again. "This is great! Not only does it save us a ton of time to fix my portal device, but now my OCD won't be acting up while we're working!"

"Well, there are a couple things I didn't touch," Golf Ball admitted. "I left your computer alone, as well as the actual machine that opened the portal. You'll need to show me how that works." A spark fizzed from the machine as she said that. "I also wasn't sure what to do with the tree."

They both turned to stare at the tree embedded in the wall. "Eh, we'll deal with that later."

GB turned towards the machine. "So, fill me in on how this works."

"Well-" Test Tube was interrupted by her phone ringing on the counter. She checked the caller ID and answered, putting it on speakerphone. "Hey, Fan! I saw your texts last night."

"Good, because we've got other problems now," Fan answered. "Tennis Ball and Grassy got trapped in a whole other universe!"

"WHAT!?" Golf Ball shrieked.

Fan explained what had happened an hour ago. Blocky had come back down into the factory to find Fan freaking out, Basketball furiously flipping the on switch over and over again, and Robot Flower trying to calm them down. Blocky managed to settle everything, and Basketball began to tinker with their device, trying to see if they could fix it.

"When I was learning about Robot Flower in episode 7, and fixing her last episode, I learned some stuff about machines," Basketball called out. "I think - and hope - it should be enough to get this working again."

Fan turned on the camera so Test Tube and GB could see what was happening. "Can we name this thing?" Blocky asked Basketball from out of view. "I'm tired of just calling it a 'machine.'"

"How about we call it a portal gun?" Fan suggested, thinking about one of his favorite puzzle games.

"Sounds good to me."

Test Tube thought hmm. "Then I say we call the portal machine I created a portal cannon, since it's considerably bigger than yours."

Blocky came into view and shrugged. "You do you."

"I think it's working!" cried Basketball. Fan shoved Blocky out of the way to see that the portal gun was shaking. Not as violently as the first time, but more like a vibration. Once again, it shot out a portal, but it wasn't anything like the first two portals. The edges were angular, with no curves whatsoever, and the swirls were colored dark blue, with light blue mixed in.

Crossing Over - A BFB/II2 fanfic [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now