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After some time, dusk came down the town. In front of the river, Noah and Sara are sitting in silhouette. Slow and silently the river was flowing.

Some kind of unseen birds, cane down the river and tried to take a sip of water with it's beak, and then flied back upwards. No- to Noah this was an unseen, unknown, unfamiliar world. Even the setting sun was also unfamiliar for him. With a soft voice, Noah broke the silence,
"Might be the life has cheated me."

Sara didn't interrupted. Let him tell, let Noah say to open his locked heart. Let him get some relief!
After some time, Noah said again,"You know Sara, I love to listen stories, one was there to tell."

In their childhood, when Sara and his classmates used to listen stories about prince and princess from their parents at night, again in that time Noah used to see the terrific fight of his parents and used to spend sleepless nights.

Sara understood that the boy outside is cold-hearted but inside there was a unseen innocent and loving boy, might be still there somewhere- without someone's shade of love, without someone's guide he has become full of pain and hatred, and in that pain he has became more anxious, more restless in these past few years.

It was like, the bounded unspoken words for the past few days, has flowed out of his mouth like a river, suddenly. Noah said all his things - his pain, his solo journey of his own struggle and his tear's full life story. To open his heart, he thought he got a partner, a comrade like Sara without his knowledge. Noah told everything from his parents divorce till his addiction to drugs, without any doubt- with bad company, the boy who went to the dark world of prohibition and crime, continuously told his sad long story. Then once after finishing his story, Noah said,"The sun is gone. It's going to be dark."

Slowly slowly one two lights lit in the houses of the other side of the river.

'The sun sets, it is dark. Then also there is a hope that, tommorow the sun will rise again with cheerful start. The sun sets, darkness comes- that's not the last truth, that's not the ending. At the same time somewhere else the sun rises- that's also truth.' Sara thought.

Sara saw- Noah is looking at the mysterious river continuously at the mid of darkness. May be night is have not done a good thing. But got a new problem."

After some time, Sara told Noah- "You have to stop all these, Noah."

Might be these were a mixture of love, affection, responsibility and order. After sometime, Noah said with a feeling of depression in his voice,"It's not that easy, girl. Today I haven't took drugs. See, how my hands and legs are shivering."

Sara saw- really, Noah's hands and legs were shivering like he has caught cold. He was even not able to say properly.
"It's not easy, I know. Maybe your confidence over drugs has increased. I have read in books and magazines. The wrong way of drugs, only drags people to over drugs has increased. I have read in books and magazines. The wrong way of drugs, only drags people to the dark world of crime and death."
"I know girl, might be I'm also in that way only." Noah desperately said. From protective, his expression turned to the deep shadow of depression.
"Wait boy, how can you give up that early?" Sara said with a frown to Noah. After a way, she said, "I can't do anything alone. Ummmm......, I should take you to the doctor. We have tell these things to someone."

Noah suddenly got protective,"No, don't say, to anyone."
"Wait, nothing will change if you will fear. Don't worry, I will not say these to Mr. Robert. If we will tell, he will throw you out of the school. That can't be the solutions. I think we have to tell this to Mr. Chen. She understands, and she will understand. She will find out a solution, I know boy."

This time Noah didn't protested. After many days, he wants to rest in someone's shade.

"The real thing is what , you know? Your desire! You said the life has cheated you. If you will love your life, love them all, you can make them your own. The one who love them, are never alone, never isolated. You know what, in reality if you want then you can be happy. Nature has a world, like that songs have it's own world, books have it's own world. Maybe I don't know to sing songs, don't know to sing songs, don't know to write stories, novels or poems, but if I wish then I can listen to beautiful songs, I can read beautiful stories or poems!"

Noah was confused, whether Sara said these to him or herself. Noah realised- his this friend is like she is elder than him, even she is in front of his eyes, still she is unfamiliar. He continued staring at her. Suddenly Noah had a feeling of liking towards Sara.

"Everyone's life is a kind of war. May be in that war only it has fun of life- may be the life is only the war! Following the rules, we have to fight in that war. If sometimes we fight against the rules, then we only have to blow the whistle."

Looking at the mysterious river Sara continued,
"In the next week I will have to go out of station............for many days. I am suffering from a chronic disease, Noah. I'm also fighting. Everyone fights..........but everyone's fight is different."

After hearing the sudden news of Sara's disease, Noah was speechless. He was hurt at the sudden news. Before he could understand what he will say, Sara's soft voice reached his ears,"To stop you, to make you understand, to give you courage, I might not be there, but don't go to that shop." Noah noticed tears were falling from Sara's eyes. He felt very hurted. In between Sara said, rubbing her tears and giving her hand out,"Promise me, you will never go there."

Noah couldn't control himself, held Sara's hand and tears started falling down his cheeks. Noah said,"I promise you I will never go there. Even if you will be not here with me, but from deep inside my heart you will always stop me."

After listening to Noah's reply, a smile came on Sara's face. The guy who argued with Mr. Robert, can he say like that also. A few moments before, Noah said to Sara that- the person inside him has died a long time ago. No, the person inside never dies, may be sometimes it sleeps but at the same time we need someone to wake it up.

After that Noah hugged Sara and cried untill his eyes dried out. Thus happened for the first time that he cried in someone's arms, he felt very secured and relief....

Well guys, what do you think about thus chapter? Well tell me ur thoughts in the comments. 😊😊🥰🥰🥰
I'm excited to read ur comments 😊.

Well, if u guys find any mistake say me, I will do my best to correct it.😊😊

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