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Darkness was all around the room, it was like an endless black. Noah was even feeling hard to wake up from his bed and switch on the lights of his room. Maybe his mother hasn't came till now. It's been many days he has not gone to school, his mother didn't say anything about it. Only one day she asked him,"Don't you want to go to school?" He said he was unwell and went away without any further conversation. His mother agreed by the answer and never took out that topic. No, no he isn't conceited. The pain, the hurt that he is feeling, the wounds he is suffering from had made him more weak and it doesn't have the ability to make a person conceited.
It's been two years since Noah's father left him and his mother. From the age when he was able to understand everything, he only saw the fierest fight between his mother and father. With lots of shouting, arguements and vulgur words, he couldn't do anything, he was not able to do anything. He was not able to breath for a single moment, speechless, he used to look at the two tough faces his mother and father. Mother and father, for whom he will say- this cruel question's attack has given a huge pain in his small and soft heart. On sleepless nights, his tears used to dry up in his eyes only - but there was no one to rub the tears from his eyes, no one had the softness in their hands to rub his tears.
And one day his father left them in that house lonely and isolated.
There arises a huge, anonymous, clueless question, which question had made their own child in a ocean of pain, hatred and loneliness which doesn't have either shore, didn't they had the ability to neglect it?
His father used to come after a week or like that to meet him at school after school over. His father used to bring various kind of chocolates for him. As soon as he reached home, he unwrapped the chocolate and when he took a bite of it, before getting the taste of it, tears used to fall down his cheeks, the bounded tears used to come out of his eyes, continuously.
His mother and father's clueless questions were more heavy than his tears.
He used to collect the wrappers of the chocolates his father used to give him in a big pencil box, and very soon the box was full of wrappers. But before this, his heart was full of- unbearable loneliness. Noah was not able to smile, laugh, to be happy and cheerful, he was not able to play with his friends, he was not able to sleep- this weight of loneliness was very heavy, the painful feelings were crushing him more.
And one day he told his father, "Don't come to meet me anymore."
He didn't looked at his father, he was afraid, that the frozen tears on the corner of his father's eyes will distract him.
"But why?"
Noah didn't replied to question. He didn't even asked his father, "Why did you left me?"

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