Chapter 1

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When war begin

Marcuss' POW:

It's been since a month when I become their commander. Bismarck help me as my secretary. Without her help my job was harder, her younger sister Tirpitz help me too, sometimes, but she usually in Ironblood Norther territory so she didn't here always. Just like now, after we heard about Royal Navy moving I decidet to send a task force into North. Tirpitz, Deutschland, Z19, Odin, Z2 and Scharnhorst was part of this task force. I never wanted to do this, but it was an order form higher. Even when I said this make us weaker at Atlantic ocean they said this is more important. It was an usual day, I doing my paperwork, Bismarck helping me and Eugen is playing with me. I hate when she doing this. Köln enter to my office with hurry and put a newspaper on my table.

"Commander, look!" Köln shout and show me the paper. "Shakura Empire attacked the Azur Lane."

"WHAT?!" I was shocked. "This is bad, really bad. Bismarck!"

"Yes commander?" Bismarck asked.

"Be prepare a scout fleet, make sure those Royal Navy girls don't enter to our territory." I ordered to her.

"Yes sir." Bismarck said and leave my office.

"Köln, go with Bismarck." I ordered to Köln. "Make sure everything going well.

"Yes sir." and Köln left me too.

Bismarck's POW:

After I heard about Shakura Empire's attack I immediately prepared Eugen to make a scout mission. We left our base. I know, just two ship isn't much, but I think it's enough for a scout mission. Eugen's sonar wasn't working well so I take the lead and use my sonar. We didn't noticed two Royal Navy ship is behind us until it was too late. We was not far from our base when some shells hit the water around us.

"You Ironblood scum. In name of the Queen we will destroy you!"  I heard one of them shouting at us. "Die now!!!"

Another attack. They missed me, but they hit Eugen.

"For the Ironblood!!!" I shout and prepare my guns to fire. "All gun target their main ship!!!"

I aimed at her and fire immediately. I see a huge explosion, the fire was almost 20 meter high.

 I see a huge explosion, the fire was almost 20 meter high

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"HOOD!!!!" other ship shout sadly. "YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!!!"

"U-556 catch that Hood." I ordered to U-556, I know she was there, she always here to support me. "Eugen, target is that battleship!"

"Yes, Lord Bismarck." Eugen said. "All torpedo launched."

Eugen's torpedoes was fast, best if you want to hit something far away. We still fighting, that battleship wasn't stop firing at us. She was angry. I think I can understand. I just sunk the glory of the Royal Navy, battlecruiser HMS Hood, but this is a war. We fight for our home.

"AGH!!!" Eugen's torpedoes are hit that ship. "This is too much... I have to retreat."

I saw she run away. She got enough.

"Eugen, we return to our base." I ordered to Eugen. "We need to report this to the commander."

"Okay." Eugen said.

We return to our base without any problem. After we arrived U-556 came back with that girl. She fainted. Everyone was shocked when they saw Hood.

"Bring her too repair." I ordered.

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