People often asked me why I dressed so simple even after being so rich......
The real reason is a strange birthmark that was there on my lower back on the left side.
I did not wanted to attract unnecessary attention to that, so I prefer to dress simply and also something that could cover it.

By the way one of the main reason is also that I'm a lazy person and keeping up with sophisticated accessories is not my thing.

I kept my hair open and did the simple basic makeup package, which included mascara, lip gloss and some foundation. I avoid heavy makeup as it felt like a blanket against my skin and also you can say that I'm naturally beautiful.

I grabbed my bag and went downstairs, lost in my own thoughts. I didn't talked much during the breakfast also, which obviously concerned mom and dad as they have always seen me happy and cheerful.

It was already 8 now. I had to hurry up otherwise I will be late, but I couldn't find Garry.
Where was he??

"Mom, where's Garry?" I asked her while heading towards my car.
"He went for the football practice early."
"Oh I see." He went early! Whoa! It's must be hard for him to get up early.
I chuckled at my own thought.

On the way to school I stopped by a coffee shop as I was feeling very tired.
Maybe because I cannot sleep well at night......

I was standing at the counter in the queue, just then I heard my name again. It was the same voice as in my dream. I froze at my position.
What's that?!!!

This shit was getting wierd day by day. I might become mad because of this. I couldn't understand what was going on......

It was my turn, I took my coffee cup and headed towards my car. Just then heard a loud growl came out of no where.

Wtf was that??!!
It was like only I can hear that growl, all the people around me wandered as they were doing before.
Did they not hear the growl??!

Again a loud growling sound came. I quickly went out of the shop and ran towards my car.
The sound of growling came again and now even louder.
I was freaking out.

I quickly got inside the car and started it, Pushed the accelerator and speeded off the road. I took out my phone and called Emilia.
I needed someone with whom I can share what I was going through.
The bell was going..... No answer......
I again dialed her number......
But before she can pick up the call I again heard a loud growl and this time it was very loud as if the object or animal creating that sound was right next to me.
My phone dropped down on the car's floor.....
I didn't know if she picked the call or not, but I just needed help right now... That's all I knew at that moment......

I pushed the accelerator even harder, my car was almost on the verge of taking off the ground.

Just then I saw a bright light in front of my car that came out of no where..... I lost my balance. The car skidded.
It went straight and hit in a tree. Fortunately, the air bags came at the right time otherwise I would be seeing god by this time.

I quickly opened the door and went out. I layed down on the ground on all my fours gasping for air.

The car was damaged wholly. I started to feel nauseatic and it was very uncomfortable. I could barely breathe. I was loosing my consciousness, vision getting blur by the passing second.

I laid on the ground faced up. My eyes were getting closed gradually.
Just then I felt someone's hand. With much effort I opened my eyes and saw a blur figure in front of me....
I wanted to speak.....
" W.....wwh .......who Tt..." I tried really hard but nothing seemed to work.

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