Chapter 111

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Weekend, Tzuyu was now in the garden with Gucci she already done preparing their breakfast, Sana was still sleeping while Tzuyu didn't sleep well since Sana start scolding her last night because of Tzuyu's weird smell, she didn't even hug or kiss the latter last night because of it. ....

"Is my instinct is right???.." Tzuyu mumbled to herself....

Tzuyu was in the deep thought when suddenly...


she hear Sana starts whining again. She turned around and she saw a adorable squirrel coming to her....

"You're already awake..." Tzuyu said...

"Why did you leave me alone in the room..." Sana pout as she seated on Tzuyu's lap and then she wrapped her hand to the latter's nape.

"I prepare our breakfast..."

"Next time don't leave me alone..." Sana pout and buried her face to Tzuyu's neck...

"Whoahhh, last night you don't like my scent and now your burying your face to my neck..." Tzuyu said...

"Sorry, it just that I always smell weird scent... " Sana face her...

"Are you perhaps...."



"I don't know???... But Sometimes I feel something weird in my tummy ...."

"Did you already vomit at least once???."

"Uhmmm, No..."

"Ohhhh, Okay... Tell me if you're like to vomit or if you feel dizzy..."


"Did you sleep well????.."

"Mmm... How about you????.."

"Me?? No, you keep pushing me last night tho 😒..."

"Aw ~ sorry 👉👈.."

"Fine, It's okay..." Tzuyu messed her hair..

"Uhmm, Tzuyu~ah..."


"Do I look bloated today????.." Sana pout, as she cupped her both face...


"What do you think????.."

Tzuyu suddenly smile as she gently  squeeze Sana's face...

"You're not bloated..."

"What do you mean???.."

"You're cute ...."

"Really? 😁..."

"Mmmm 😊..."

"Komawo Tzuyu~ah...." Sana hugs her...

"Arasso, let's go inside now so that we can have our breakfast..."

"Okay (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩') ..."


Minutes later they're now having their breakfast..

"Uhmmm, Tzu..."


"How's Chaeyoung???.."

"Still the same, but the day after tomorrow she'll gonna flew to Japan, Mina's father will gonna help her.."

"Ohhh, really????."

"Yeah, I hope she can comeback strong and healthy..."

"Don't worry Tzu, Chaeyoung is a strong person and I know Mina will take care of her..."

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