Aaron's Instagram Post

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Cherish everything you have ♠️

AARON Cherish everything you have ♠️

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Liked by c.tzuyu Lao Xin Zhou Lei and 15,278 others
wxc_1120 你在做什么?🙃🖤
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c.tzuyu 您的照片一直显示在我的供稿中。😩
wxc_1120 你不高兴你总是看到我英俊的面孔。‼️😅
c.tzuyu 很快就会阻止你。😒
wxc_1120 你太卑鄙了总是。😅
c.tzuyu 🙄🙄🙄
wxc_1120 顺便说一下,您的粉丝一直关注我。他们很害怕。😩
c.tzuyu 我的粉丝?
wxc_1120 YEAH ‼️
c.tzuyu I'm afraid that they're gonna eat you alive when you come here 😆
wxc_1120 WHAT?????
c.tzuyu Good Luck! 😏
wxc_1120 you're really too mean Tzu..😒
c.tzuyu I know 😘 keep safe ~
wxc_1120 will you let me live in your house for a couple of days 😁
c.tzuyu my wife don't know you. she'll gonna punch me if I let you stay here... 😆
wxc_1120 I'll talk to her 😏
c.tzuyu NO. DON'T YOU DARE 😠
wxc_1120 Whoah! Easy ‼️😆
c.tzuyu swear gonna block you later 😒
wxc_1120 you still never change Tzu 😘❤️

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T: Your photo keep showing in my feeds

A: Aren't you happy? Your seeing this handsome face

A: By the way, your fans keeps following my account. They're scary....

T: My fans?

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