Chapter 17

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Meanwhile, Sana was in the window and she was silently watching the latter.... She crossed her arms  when she noticed that Tzuyu seems scared to dive in the pool.

"What's with her?? Is she scared??." She mumble to herself...

Tzuyu close her eyes, Still the memories she spent with Sana was still flashing on her mind.. that ring is important to her because that's the only thing she can remind to the latter that she's married with her, so she took a deep breath.. she slowly opened her eyes before diving into the pool.

Tzuyu immediately get the ring the moment she dive in.. but, the icy water shocks her system as she plunge beneath the surface of the pool.

Her heart races and her chest tightens as the cold fist of understanding squeezes the breath out of her.

"Why hasn't she come up yet?.." Sana said to herself..

The lit surface above mocks her. She kick her legs as fast as she can and part the water with huge strokes of her arms.

She probably don’t look graceful and she doesn't care at all. Her chest is on fire. She need to breathe.

She explode from the water, spraying droplets everywhere. She fill her lungs with the sweet, life-giving air.

She wants to go up but it’s not getting closer. She fight the panic raising up in her chest.

"Sana..." Tzuyu breathlessly said to her mind...

Tzuyu realize no one is coming to save her. The realization sinks into her soul and makes her even heavier. She's  too tried and depressed to go on.

As she sink, she hold her breath and try to swim to the surface. However, no matter how hard she swim, she just can’t make it.

A ringing in her ears starts. Her chest feels like it’s on fire and about to explode.

Her breath comes out in a rush, replacing the life-giving oxygen with heavy water. As she see the bubbles rise, she know she's done for.

"The hell is wrong with her??.."

Sana immediately rush downstairs and went to the pool area...

"Tzuyu?! ..."

Sana's heart start beating so fast, a beat that can explode in any minute...

With water in her lungs instead of oxygen,
Tzuyu is too heavy to move and her willpower is gone. All she want to do is to sleep.

She think about Sana at that time, saying those 3 words in her mind before she finally close her eyes.


Sana quickly jumped into the pool and she immediately get Tzuyu out of the water.

Tzuyu is unconscious, Sana begin to panic she feel Tzuyu's hearbeat but it's not beating anymore...

Sana can't really remember the person in front of her, She was irritated at her but seeing Tzuyu in that state, it totally broke her heart...

"Tzuyu!.." she slowly slapping Tzuyu's face but the latter is not responding...

Sana clasp her hand to her other hand and put it to Tzuyu's chest and  started to begin a CPR...

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